MILO: ‘Non-College Educated Doesn’t Mean Stupid’ – IOTW Report

MILO: ‘Non-College Educated Doesn’t Mean Stupid’

Breitbart News Senior Editor MILO claimed that “non-college educated doesn’t mean stupid,” during his talk at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs tonight, adding that a majority of his non-college educated employees are “some of the smartest and most successful people.”

“Let’s be clear about what the left lost. The white working class turned against the Democrat party in a historic fashion during this election. The numbers are stunning, even to someone as stunning as me,” MILO proclaimed.  more

22 Comments on MILO: ‘Non-College Educated Doesn’t Mean Stupid’

  1. Well, I certainly had high school classmates that were regular guys, fairly bright with common sense when we graduated, after two years in college, their thinking mechanism was screwed up. Especially about political, cultural stuff.

  2. My father had an 8th grade education and was without a doubt, the smartest man I ever met. I’ve worked with MBA’s that couldn’t tie their shoes without instructions. Smart is as smart does, it has nothing to do with education.

  3. This is a great article on this point

    In part
    “But the problem is the one-eyed following the blind: these self-described members of the “intelligentsia” can’t find a coconut in Coconut Island, meaning they aren’t intelligent enough to define intelligence hence fall into circularities — but their main skill is capacity to pass exams written by people like them”



  5. And some college-educated people are NOT smart. My employer requires a 4-year degree for all employees (we score student essays). It still surprises me after 20 years in the business how some of these graduates do not understand sentence formation. HOW CAN YOU SCORE GRAMMAR IF YOU DON’T KNOW GRAMMAR!?

    I have to review many grammar issues when training a project. I try not to make the readers that ask questions feel stupid, but PLEASE! How can you keep the incredulity from your voice when saying, “A sentence is incorrect when it sounds like Yoda talking.”

  6. Such pronouncements are delusional and will only hurt a class of people who took solace in this clap of the trap.
    If you are functioning in the workplace as “smart and successful” then you were stupid to not generate a College diploma when you had the chance. Good bye to the specialization that comes with a Master Degree, it only gets harder with age to spin the educational top.
    A College Degree shows motivation and the ability to finish a thing. Life is supposed to be a continuing learning curve and no good thing is served my creating short circuits to that.
    If you’re coaching degreed employees on the basics then find new employees, but don’t tell me the time I spent developing thought, skills, discipline, and a ‘trade’ in College was wasted time. The solution doesn’t lie in throwing the baby out with the bath water.

  7. From Conrad: “If you are functioning in the workplace as “smart and successful” then you were stupid to not generate a College diploma when you had the chance.”

    Then I’m stupid. I work in the energy sector (natural gas pipelines) in a job, not a career path to be sure. My job requires cross discipline knowledge in a half dozen areas from electronics to metallurgy to mechanical engineering.

    I have no degree in anything. My degree is from the school of BDIFBY. Been Doing It For Bloody Years. Surprisingly, employers like mine pay well for ‘undocumented graduates’ like me. Right now I can name in this town half a dozen Master’s Degrees holders don’t make close to what I do.

    But I don’t publish. Well, outside of the industry anyway. I do inside, places the public will never see. I write things called ‘procedures’, or in layman’s terms, “how you do this shit”. Without killing anyone in the process and satisfying CFR Part 49 Section 192.

    I do not write them in ‘legalese’, but I do give a nod to future litigation in exactly how I couch what I say. Because that is the legal environment I operate in.

    I don’t know ANY degreed persons that have the breadth of knowledge required in my ‘blue collar job’.

    Check with Mike Rowe. He’s got a start on understanding what you might need to know to be valuable to an employer and not have to work for chump change without a degree.

    ETA: Disclaimer- my skills have been gathered and polished for more than four decades. You as tax payers paid for some of the training as I am ex military. Thank you for that.

  8. If you delegitimize a College degree by saying “eh, don’t need no steenkin’ degree” then you have thrown the baby out with the bath water. The solution is not to dump the diploma but to change the system that teaches our kids. When Colleges are top heavy with Administrators and give themselves to sucking as much money out of our pockets as they can then that is a big first problem. The next one is what is being taught. People have a right to be mad about this, but the solution lies in focusing on Education and how best to impart it equally without letting the students reform it in their image.

  9. Over the years I’ve had numerous college professors as private music students. I am still friends with some today (or at least up to the election). Their intelligence was average and most had a difficult time dealing with concepts. BY FAR the most intelligent students I’ve had (as a group) were home schoolers in their early teenage years. Their grasp of concepts was mostly instantaneous.

  10. BIG difference between liberal arts and STEM schools. Example, Marc Lamont Hill PhD. I think his major is in “Pissed Off Negro Studies”! A good old affirmative action education right there.

  11. Lowell,
    If you falsified your age and posted your job on ANY site in ANY city your resume would be kicked out and never seen because you lacked degreed experience.
    Glad you made 40 years. See you in Phoenix.
    You’d NEVER BE SEEN.

  12. The discussion about haves and havenots is creating a bi-culture in America. Ask any 8th grader, they are being cultivated for something far higher then we were. But honestly, by the time they all reach 75 it won’t mean a tinkers damn to them. It was all bu**shit.

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