Electrical Union Workers Display Big Pro-Trump Banner in Philadelphia – IOTW Report

Electrical Union Workers Display Big Pro-Trump Banner in Philadelphia


Union electrical workers at a Philadelphia job site hung a huge barrier welcoming President Donald Trump to the city, highlighting his high support among rank and file members of skilled unions.

The union members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers unfurled their banner, which said “Buy American” and “Welcome to Philly Mr. President.”

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10 Comments on Electrical Union Workers Display Big Pro-Trump Banner in Philadelphia

  1. Reading the linked article reveals that the pro-Trump banner has been removed by order of the union bosses. After the Trump euphoria subsides there are going to be migraine headaches everywhere you turn.

  2. Go Trump,
    So, does a tariff on Mexican imports help or hurt the unions?
    Who pays the tariff; the exporters (Mexico), the importers, or the consumers (US)? Hint: the first two guesses don’t count.

  3. @geeknerd – the tariff should have to be itemized on the price tag (so to speak). if American consumers see that, they probably won’t buy it. Mexico suffers lack of sales to US. Eventually, Mexico coughs up money for wall.

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