Why Mexico will pay for the wall – IOTW Report

Why Mexico will pay for the wall


The debate around Donald Trump’s wall has been shaped by liberal and media narratives that focus on illegal immigrants in the U.S.  The left has painted a picture of compassion for these immigrants, making them the entirety of the story.  Sanctuary cities have declared safe havens for illegal immigrants, without really distinguishing between the good and the bad among them.  They have also spun numbers about temporarily declining immigration rates to diminish the significance of the problem.  Liberals have labeled opponents of open borders hard-hearted racists.  Immigration has become one of those narrative stories, filled with human suffering, compassion, and demonized enemies, that liberals love to love.

What liberals have ignored is the severe consequences of slack U.S. borders for Mexico.  Mexican society and the Mexican economy have been severely distorted and held hostage for decades by criminal gangs that make their living smuggling drugs and migrants into the U.S.  Their access to and control over the U.S. border are precisely what has brought them power and wealth, while unleashing a long-term scourge on Mexican society.


15 Comments on Why Mexico will pay for the wall

  1. Look at what one narcotics trafficker did to the Colombian economy and society – Pablo Escabar. For over a decade this man was a scourge. Pablo killed over 4,000 cops.

    Mexico is even worse. In the seven year period 2007-14, over 164,000 murders and over 20,000 missing – the bodies never found. That’s a medium sized American city. And these monsters cross our borders at will and bring their poison with them. We need to stop this trafficking and also go after the users here.

  2. “Where is liberals’ compassion, in their self-absorption and attachment to their own narratives, for the honest citizens of Mexico who are victimized in their own country by the criminal gangs fostered and financed by open U.S. borders” – – – for a minute there I thought they were talking about ISIS and the Syrian issue in Vermont.

  3. An interesting article but I think it was missing one thing. If Trump gets his wall up and stops the narco traffickers Mexico will explode into what will seem like a civil war. On one side will be a fractured and corrupt government and army and on the other will be the narco’s with the regular people caught in the middle.

    Mexico will fail (at least temporarily) as a country and the death toll could be incredible. This is unfortunately probably what is needed to start healing Mexico. Whatever happens is going to be bloody.

    On another note America will also need to deal with the aftermath of a wall and that will be the sudden cut off of hard core drugs into the US. One helluva lot of drug addicts will be going into withdrawal and willing to do anything to get that next fix. Canada will have to tighten up our borders as well as in the southern entrance is closed they’ll probably try to go through Canada. There’s a lot of ripples going to be created by the wall and we need to be ready for them all.

  4. Mexicos cost to build the wall is just a tiny drop in the bucket compared to what Mexico owes us for our expenditures on food, housing, education, medical care, translation services, incarceration, and crimes expended on the multi-millions of their criminal foreign invaders over the past 40 years!

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