Well, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, did it? – IOTW Report

Well, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, did it?

Patriot Retort: So, Malia Obama went to Sundance to rub shoulders with the famous. And while there, she participated in a demonstration against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Fawning celebrities were simply delighted that Malia joined in.

If you thought the Obama girls were going to be any different from their alleged parents, think again.

This apple didn’t fall far from the tree at all, did she?

Eighteen and already a celebrity whore just like Mom and Dad.

Well, she learned from the best.

In fact, like every good daughter of political Leftists, Malia is using her parents’ celebrity to cut to the front of the queue.

She’ll soon be starting an internship with Harvey Weinstein’s production company.

Of course she is.

Did you really think Malia would do an internship with a soup kitchen? Or an animal shelter.

Hollywood bigwigs are insufferable suck-ups. Even if Malia turns out to be the worst intern on the planet, they’ll keep her on just to say they have an Obama working there.  MORE

32 Comments on Well, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, did it?

  1. Malia Obama to Intern for Hollywood Producer Harvey Weinstein? So, how is he going to get anything done with the secret service always there when she’s there? this is wierd, so shes the ex presidents daughter and going to intern for a hollywood producer? this is like deja vu, only in reverse. is she supposed to bring the cigars? will there be a blue dress? will she fit under harveys desk? whats the protocol now? so many questions.

  2. “…they’ll keep her on just to say they have an Obama working there.”
    If she’s not far from the tree, “working there” will be a stretch.
    Like father, like daughter. “present” fits.

  3. Malaria and Sharia are spoiled rotten, offspring of malignant narcissists. They was little hope they would actually turn out to be decent people. The sisters are props to keep the Obamas in the leftist spotlight.

  4. Like Reid and Pelosi she’s going to do all she can just to make sure nothing positive happens on Trump’s watch. After all, we wouldn’t want to put tens of thousands of journeymen back to work, cut the cost of oil, see energy companies make a profit, cut the national debt, or have the economy grow.

  5. Is this one the dope-head?
    Like her “daddy?”
    Is it a pervert, too?
    Or will we be seein twerk videos and Kanye West bonin her in the ass?

    So much important stuff to consider with these “Obola” things …

    izlamo delenda est …

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