UK: College Lecturer Punched In The Face And Knocked Into Freezing Canal by Muslims For ‘Being White’ – IOTW Report

UK: College Lecturer Punched In The Face And Knocked Into Freezing Canal by Muslims For ‘Being White’

Breitbart London: A media lecturer at Stratford College was set upon by a group of Muslim males and sent tumbling into a freezing canal while out jogging in Birmingham for, he believes, “being white” on January 15th.

The Stratford Observer reports that Lee Skinner was running along the canal side near Yardley Road, Acocks Green in the middle of the afternoon when one of the five-strong group suddenly struck him full force in the face, knocking him into the icy waters.

The Daily Mirror records how Skinner was “able to identify them as Pakistani as I’ve worked in Muslim communities and have a detailed knowledge of Islam and speak Arabic to a certain level”.

The slightly-built lecturer described how the blow sent him “up into the air and into the water. I sank and was completely submerged, my feet were not touching the bottom.”  more

12 Comments on UK: College Lecturer Punched In The Face And Knocked Into Freezing Canal by Muslims For ‘Being White’

  1. Needs to happen right here in the good ol USA. Pick out a couple ‘check your white privilege’ type professors and a hand fulla ACLU lawyers who are suing Trump for blocking muslims. Toss in a few reporters for good measure. Ooops, almost forgot those militant dykes from last weekend.

  2. The comments I am reading on the Breitbart site are critical of the Professor for saying there is no god but Allah, claiming he converted by saying that.

    Not in my book. he did what he had to to survive and fight another day. I challenge anyone out there to deny you wouldn’t do the same, assuming you don’t have your gun with you.

    I have no problem with that. Assuming he is a fighter. The fact that he caught up to them and lectured them about the (alleged) positives of Islam shows that he is not a fighter but a naïve appeaser. They now know he is not one of them and next time will finish him off. So be it.

    Fuck Islam.

  3. the dolfer JANUARY 29, 2017 AT 12:07 PM
    “I challenge anyone out there to deny you wouldn’t do the same, assuming you don’t have your gun with you.”

    There are thousands of Christians in the middle east who refuse to bow to islam slime and they don’t have guns. Not to be mean but what does that say about you?

  4. Apparently it’s true, police are looking over CCTV video, but can’t find anything to use for identification of the paki!s that did this. They’ve got cameras everywhere over there.

  5. He can identify them as Pakistanis because he speaks Arabic? Pakistanis aren’t Arabs and speak Urdu, so that doesn’t make sense to me. They likely would understand a little Arabic so I could believe their surprise at his shouting God is great, and even if they understood the language fully, I doubt Pakistanis would be speaking Arabic amongst themselves.

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