Pretty Prime Minister Welcomes ALL Muslims to Canada – IOTW Report

Pretty Prime Minister Welcomes ALL Muslims to Canada

TORONTO (AP) — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will welcome you.

He says he also intends to talk to Trump about the success of Canada’s refugee policy.

Trudeau reacted to Trump’s visa ban for people from certain Muslim-majority countries by tweeting Saturday: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada.”

Trudeau also posted a picture of him greeting a Syrian child at Toronto’s airport in late 2015. Trudeau oversaw the arrival of more than 39,000 Syrian refugees soon after he was elected.  MORE

22 Comments on Pretty Prime Minister Welcomes ALL Muslims to Canada

  1. Good, here’s a list of aboit 250,000 more you can invite. Half of them are in Dearborn so they can almost walk across the border. Hope you enjoy the abuse of your wives, the murder of your daughters (how dare they show their face or ankles to a non-relative!) and call to prayer 5X a day.

  2. Pretty boy will regret trying to put down President Trump soon. Canada will be set for civil war, and Trudeau will be sacrificed by the local Imams. His life will end when he goes sailing off the roof of the highest building there, sans wings or halo.

  3. This boy seems to be forever trying to curry favor with the liberal leaders of the world as well as those whose faith demands that they destroy the west. He jacked up the number of “refugees” from Syria despite evidence that at least half weren’t from there but were traveling on fake papers and the Canadian security wasn’t in a position to do even a half-assed job at figuring out who the dangerous ones were. Now he’s going to lecture Trump? Christ, we’ll be lucky to get out of this with a dirty 30’s depression when this child is through unless he leaves the scene. Maybe we’ll get lucky and some new trendy Montreal bar will offer him the bouncer job.

  4. Man Trump is moving so fast, this is getting interesting. First Mexico, now Canada. Sure glad we only have those two to secure, and secure they will be. That’s a guarantee. Don’t blink, or you might miss something.

  5. The guy in black next to PPM looks to be the most insufferable asshole in that picture. Even more than Justin, who just looks weak and naive. The rest of the guys looks miserable and inbred. But black shirt just looks like his name used to be Ian Sweeney but now he’s the sith lord of islam and his name is Jafar Talat.

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