Examples of Serious Crimes by Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Examples of Serious Crimes by Illegal Aliens

FAIR US: Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. All across the country, Americans are having their lives forever changed by criminal aliens.

Watch the moving stories in the link.


9 Comments on Examples of Serious Crimes by Illegal Aliens

  1. Obama has released an illegal immigration pandemic on America and Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Soros’ DNC and the corrupt main stream media are trying to convince our Nation foreign diseases, rape, murder, gangs, honor killings and drunk driving by illegals is a good thing.

  2. So far, IOTWR is one of the few sites that has this info, and it’s the internet. This will never be reported by the MSM, it doesn’t fit the narrative that all ‘fugees are nice, sweet and innocent people who just want a shot at a new life. Yet, for every story that the left drags out (or makes up) that pulls at the heartstrings, there are multiple examples of ‘fugees who are here to continue a criminal vocation. And the MSM will never cover it. Ever.

  3. Here is the Howie Carr article on Nicholas Guaman, the illegal alien who killed Mathew Deniece:



    Justice a foreign word for judge
    Sunday, April 14, 2013
    PrintEmail Comments (10)
    Howie Carr

    For once, Gov. Deval Patrick was right about something. Back in 2011, he promised that the illegal immigrant from Ecuador accused of running over and killing an American citizen in Milford would have “the book” thrown at him.

    Click here to listen to Audio of Gov. Patrick

    How correct Deval was — politically correct. Nicholas Dutan Guaman is having a book thrown at him all right — a comic book.

    Guaman can’t be tried, at least not right now — wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

    This man, the judge says, has a “unique cultural and linguistic background.” Despite living here since 2002, Guaman claims he’s illiterate, can’t speak English and can barely speak Spanish. His native tongue is an Indian dialect known as Quecha.

    The judge is a Deval appointee named Janet Kenton-Walker. Last week she ordered Guaman’s court-appointed lawyer to spend yet more taxpayer money to hire a Quecha interpreter because Guaman has “no understanding of the legal system.”

    Odd, because he was arrested in 2008 on charges of assault and battery on a police officer and breaking and entering, and somehow those cases went away. Ditto, the customary driving-without-a-license charges.

    I guess the foreman on Guaman’s construction jobs spoke Quecha. Ditto, the guy who sold him his “false papers,” as the judge puts it. Another apparent Quecha speaker was the clerk at the package store where he purchased the “numerous beer cans” the cops say they found in his brother’s truck the day Guaman allegedly ran over and killed Matthew Denice, a 23-year-old graduate of Framingham State who was riding his motorcycle.

    The charges include second-degree murder because, after Guaman allegedly hit the motorcycle and pinned Denice under his truck, he kept driving for a quarter-mile, according to police. The cops say he didn’t stop, even though Denice was screaming and pedestrian passersby were pounding on the window of the truck’s cab, yelling at him — in English. If only they’d taken the trouble to learn Quecha. …?Finally, according to police, Guaman drove up on a sidewalk, then backed up over Denice, killing him.

    Told by the police that he’d killed someone, Guaman “shrugged,” cops say.

    Most of this is from Milford police reports, because the judge mentioned only the barest details of this atrocious crime. She seems to think the real victim here is the illegal immigrant.

    The judge writes that Guaman grew up “poor.” When he married, his family was “extremely poor and they lived in a tent made of plastic sheeting.”

    Let’s get back to Deval.

    Deval issued a statement on Guaman after days of stories in all the newspapers. You can listen to his comments (and read the judge’s decision) at boston?herald.com.

    “You know,” he says, “illegal immigration didn’t kill …” he pauses here, trying to recall Matthew’s name before finally giving up “… this person. A drunk driver killed this person and uh, um, we have laws about this and I expect the book to be thrown at this person. He deserves it.”

    The judge scheduled the next hearing in 60 days. How much do you want to bet Guaman’s trial will be continued again … and again … and again?

    If I ever get jammed up, I ask for no special treatment. Just treat me like … this person.

    To order Howie’s new book, “Rifleman,” go to howiecarr?show.com.

    More On:
    Gov. Deval Patrick
    Nicholas Dutan Guaman
    Matthew Denice
    Howie Carr / Boston Herald

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