Trump Team Warns Creepy Future King: None of That Global Warming Crap! – IOTW Report

Trump Team Warns Creepy Future King: None of That Global Warming Crap!

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Donald Trump is set to meet with Prince Charles this June when he visits Britain, which may turn out to be awkward given the fact that Trump previously told Howard Stern that he totally could have “nailed” Princess Diana and was also pretty obsessive about pursuing her after the royal pair broke up back in the ’90s. Reportedly, Trump sent her an absurd amount of flowers after her divorce. But it may be awkward for other reasons as well! Apparently, Prince Charles has already been warned by Team Trump to not “lecture” The President about climate change.
Here are some hilarious things that were reportedly said about the potential meeting, via The Times of London:

“A source close to Trump said: “He won’t put up with being lectured by anyone, even a member of the royal family. Frankly, they should think twice about putting him and Prince Charles in the same room together.”

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13 Comments on Trump Team Warns Creepy Future King: None of That Global Warming Crap!

  1. @Jon:

    This guy is “Exhibit A” in my belief that climate change is a hobby for bored, rich white people in the West.


    Climate change also an organized crime bidniss for poor and envious third-worlders and corrupt politicians who couldn’t care less that there’s no actual science to back it up. So far a quite successful bidness I might add, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars or more.

  2. At least once a week the morning shows do a piece on the latest thing this prince said or that prince did. These leftist morons would like nothing better than to be ruled by royalty.
    Guess whose side they will be on when/if this meeting takes place?

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