Ryan on Trump’s Immigration Order: ‘What Is Happening Is Something We Support’ – IOTW Report

Ryan on Trump’s Immigration Order: ‘What Is Happening Is Something We Support’

CNS News.com – It’s “regrettable” that President Trump’s executive order on immigration caused initial confusion, but Republicans nevertheless “support” the goal of that order, House Speaker Paul Ryan told a news conference on Tuesday.

“So what is happening is something that we support, which is, we need to pause and make sure that the vetting standards are up to snuff so we can guarantee the safety and security of our country. That is what this does. We want that goal to be achieved.”

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11 Comments on Ryan on Trump’s Immigration Order: ‘What Is Happening Is Something We Support’

  1. Ryan doesn’t want to repeal Obamacare, they want to replace it with another “fairer and more equal” attempt at a “their” socialized government healthcare system written by “their” special interests.

    The free market place is no longer free, it is regulated and mandated out of existence by government.

  2. To be affective, action needed to take place immediately. It did, coming here is a privilege that can be revoked at any time, for any reason.

    Too bed for those who were delayed, if you don’t like it don’t come back!

  3. Damn, there is just no way in hell I could ever express my relief that Ryan is in support. I mean it is like a revelation. I now know the we are all safe and that the world will be saved.

  4. I absolutely 100% guarantee you tat Trump’s people have already told McConnell that Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed or ol’ Mitch will be better off resigning rather than face what will be coming his way.

  5. Jerry, I’m not normally a punctuation policeman, but your lack of a comma makes it look like your are calling President Trump a simpleton. Just sayin, I’m sure that is not your intent.

  6. Stop saying things like “regrettable” You are falling into their narrative trap. I had to talk with a neighbor from Australia last night and all he kept repeating was the sob story about how all these travelers got shafted by the rapid implementing of the EO. I told him “look man,I’ve seen the Gen Kelly presser and I was very impressed how professional his office was in trying to correct (waivers) for those caught in transit” Didn’t want to listen because he has already bought the spin that the US Govt did a bad thing to all those poor huddled masses. Pfft

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