Boy Scouts Trash 100 Years of Tradition – IOTW Report

Boy Scouts Trash 100 Years of Tradition


Bowing to endless liberal pressure, organization is now accepting trans kids into its ranks.

The Boy Scouts of America was founded in 1910, and for over 100 years, it has been an organization where boys have learned how to become men. With its decision Monday to allow transgender boys into its ranks, the organization has changed that simple mission.

No longer will admission into the program depend on a child’s birth certificate or biological sex. The BSA will now accept anyone purely based on how this young person or his parents decide to identify the individual. A century of tradition is now gone thanks to leftist ideology. These days, it seems as if hundreds of years of tradition and culture are being erased by about 30 years of extreme liberal social engineering.

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41 Comments on Boy Scouts Trash 100 Years of Tradition

  1. This type of buckling under is only going to lead to tragedy it’s only a matter of time. Hell, Trump ought to write an executive order the Boy Scouts of America to only accept genetic males and the Girl Scouts of America only to accept genetic females. If the Transgendered want to play then they can form Transgendered Scouts of America.

  2. Absolutely pathetic BSA. This PC shit decision is a betrayal to all who grew up with the boy scouts and adopted their morals as a way of life. To change the basic tenets of the BSA is comparable to rewriting the bible. Transgender, bullshit, a made up word to categorize a small percentage of fruitcakes. If you got a outie your a male, if you got a innie your female. Deal with it.


    Mentally Ill/B> = imagining to be of the other gender
    Mentally Ill and Mutilated = operated on to physically appear to be the other gender

    There is NO SUCH THING as “transgender.”
    You might as well accept the term “undocumented resident” for illegal alien!

  4. The Scouts are not longer Physically Strong, Mentally Awake, or Morally Straight. They allowed people who should not be anywhere near children take over. I was a Scout and loved it, but I wouldn’t encourage any young man to be part of the new Faux Scouts.

  5. Anthony Weiner has applied to join the Girl Scouts, says he self-identifies as a 15 year old girl (Antonia).

    The Main Stream Media endorses her move and are protesting Antonia’s indictment of child porn charges .. since she’s a young girl.

  6. The Boy Scouts no longer exists. People just have to get used to that. It has not existed for a while. It was destroyed from within.

    That does not do anything to diminish the accomplishments of those who participated when it was a pillar of American life, but it no longer exists as an institution.

  7. BSA’s gone the same way as the Catholic Church … and the Demonrat Party …

    They bent over and spread their own asscheeks.
    NOBODY did this to them … through their weakness and pusillanimity they did this to themselves.
    If I had any of my old Cub Scout and Boy Scout shit – I’d burn it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The Boy Scouts should have simply produced a Parenting For Idiots pamphlet:

    So, your freak, confused, misguided, and unparented daughter wants to be a Boy Scout?
    (page 1)
    Grab her by the pussy and say, “THIS may be coveted by boys, but they do NOT have one!”
    (page 2)
    Join the Girl Scouts and get your Cooking & Kitchen Cleaning badges.
    (page 3)
    You’re welcome!

  9. “If you can stand arms length from a tree and piss on the trunk you’re a boy.”

    Not necessarily, PHenry. There are women who can do that! I’ve seen it. (She also swung a mean axe.)

  10. Not surprising. After the BSA dropped being morally straight ( which btw included being straight) and brought in Robert Gates, who faggafied the military for Obumbles, I knew the BSA would quickly become worse.

    Sad that this began to happen just as my son was completing earning Eagle Scout. It won’t mean as much in the future.

  11. It’s time for pushback. Eject BSA from town parades, Memorial Day ceremonies, don’t buy their popcorn, etc.
    Tell local scout masters why. If they get enough blowback an internal uprising and purging will occur.
    Boy Scouts have their own grassroots.

  12. As an Eagle Scout, I am ashamed at this once great institution. I withdrew from being an adult leader two years ago, I could not tolerate the PC bullshit National Council was adopting.

  13. I spent hours researching this yesterday. My rage and disappointment does not rest with the idea a boy can find himself in a tent when a homosexual boy sleeping on one side and a girl who thinks she’s a boy on other, while above watching over stands an adult homosexual man and an adult woman who thinks she’s a man. No, not the sickness–the madness. The madness of three of the biggest denominations that are willing to go along with this, as they did with the first wave of attack: allowing a homosexual boy to join. Then came the homosexual man. Their support not withheld. The Churches are just as guilty.

    So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
    KJV Rev. 3:16

    For me personally, if it was any denomination that should have stood up and taken a stand, instead they are using the excuse of furthering the Gospel, it was the Baptist. To be fair, I will say that many in this congregation are very much opposed to this profoundly foolish and demented decision by the Baptist Church.

    For the first time in my life, a Christian of over fifty years, I feel sorry for God–to see his creation repeatedly sin against a good and just God with such reprobate and vile conduct of the Flesh.

    Dark days are ahead for Christians.

  14. No cover charge, PHenry. It was my sister taking a leak while we were clearing brush back in our youth! The whole thing really surprised me because I was told by my father than women just “sit and tinkle.” 🙂

  15. In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s I was a member of the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland. A great organization run by the finest young men in my town. I wonder how they are faring today. I just hope that the BOA hasn’t influenced them. But who knows. This is a sad day for scouting. How 0.03 percent of the American population can have so much influence just baffles me. It’s sickening.

  16. eagle scout here. earned a few palms, too. worked at council camps for years. worked at the high adventure camp in new mexico. the best character building experiences I could have hoped for from ages 13-20. awesome troop with awesome leaders. ended up going through college with all my scout buddies, too.


    hopefully it implodes and utterly fails. i can’t believe i’m saying that.

    not long after the earnst and young ceo began his push to queer the scouts, I sold and/or trashed my scout stuff. got a good price for some rare badges on amazon, too. extraordinarily painful. I was pretty certain there were a few homos lurking around the organization, but it was not accepted at the time.

    listen: do not by cookies. do not by popcorn. you’ll be propping up two horrific organizations.

    i’ll have all my kids tying monkey’s fists, learning krav maga, and trapping animals by age 15.

    never compromise.

  17. I’m just fortunate that my memories of the Cub and Boy Scouts
    from ’74 to ’81 were some of the best times of my youth. I lament
    that my child will not be able to avail of the same.

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