PETA Wants Toymaker to Remove Plastic ‘Fur’ From Plastic Figurines – IOTW Report

PETA Wants Toymaker to Remove Plastic ‘Fur’ From Plastic Figurines

CFP:  When people hear a name like “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,” they may think it’s an organization of people who want animals to be treated ethically. They would be wrong, as renaming all fish “sea kittens” doesn’t have much to do with ethics.

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22 Comments on PETA Wants Toymaker to Remove Plastic ‘Fur’ From Plastic Figurines

  1. The problem with “activists” whether it be animal, racial, global etc. is that there are too many practitioners whose livelihood depends on being offended by something to keep their paycheck rolling in, so there is never a win only more outrage over minutia.

  2. Hey PETA. Whenever I say, kill it! My dachshund grabs a look alike squirrel with fake hair by the head and shakes it mercilessly.

    For some reason he started doing this on his own? Of course I encouraged it when I first saw him do it. But apparently dogs don’t have the same intellect you liberals do regarding tasty animals, it must be bred into them or something?

  3. I talke they have never shopped in the faux fur section of Joann’s Fabrics. OMG! It’s horrifying that children shopping with their mothers for, say, Halloween costumes, might see bolts if fake fur!!! 🙄

  4. To appreciate the full effect, you have to “power through” all the links. But, I’ll summarize for the deploarably impatient: PETA wants pelts removed from the costumes of Warhammer 40,000 pieces. That’s the game where you have plastic armies fight out battles between androids, space aliens, and mecha, in the year 40,000 A.D. Picture Alien vs. Predator, vs. Terminator, vs. Godzilla. In space. With tribble fringed boots.

    Now, is that better or worse, than what you imagined?

  5. I used to buy Naugas at garage sales for next to nothing and sell them on eBay for a nice profit, but they seem to have gone extinct of late. Does that make me an exploiter of an endangered species? Will the Feds show up at my door one day and demand to know what my sofa is made from?

    How could my life have gone so wrong?!

    (sobs bitterly)

  6. Trust me, the Naugha herds are fine, they are shallow in some
    color breeds, but doing good.
    Sir Fur, has PETA knocked on your door yet? 🙂

    Out here it’s People Eating Tasty Animals…..

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