Sticks and stones are totally fine if your words ever hurt my feelings – IOTW Report

Sticks and stones are totally fine if your words ever hurt my feelings

Patriot Retort: The Fascism of Feelings crowd set UC Berkley aflame last night because Milo Yiannopoulos was slated to speak on campus.

Milo came to UC Berkley armed with a speech.

The Feelings Fascists came armed with weapons.

But they believe Milo is the fascist.

Stop and marvel at the insanity of that.





Remember when as children, we were taught
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me.

Now, thanks to the Feelings Fascists, that has changed.

Sticks and stones are totally fine
If your words ever hurt my feelings.

The other day, I wrote a brief post about Malia Obama at the Sundance Film Festival.

Some thin-skinned Leftist stumbled across it and left this comment:

You are all sick savages! Calling a young girl names etc!!!

Now, the only name I called Malia Obama was “Malia.” Oh, and I did mention that she’s already a celebrity whore just like Mom and Dad.

So, I’m guessing this Feelings Fascist objected to my referring to Malia as a celebrity whore just like her parents.

And the simple act of writing this makes me not only a savage, but a sick savage.

You get that?

For the Feelings Fascists, calling someone a name is savagery.

Now, had I carved it in Malia’s arm, I’d agree. That would make me a savage.

But writing it in a post at

Sweet merciful Zeus.

I answered her silly comment this way:  MORE


21 Comments on Sticks and stones are totally fine if your words ever hurt my feelings

  1. It is complete BS that the police were AWOL and only one person was arrested (what must they have done?!). When a bunch of thugs show up covering their faces armed with weapons it is time for law enforcement to step in. And if the mayor of Berkley wants to encourage the violence in tweets and tell the police to stand down he should be held financially liable for the damage. As it stands they were allowed to win – they shut down the event, they created mayhem and terrorized innocent people and other than Trump not many Republicans came in and condemned the behavior. Obama, Kaine et al lit the fuse telling people to go to the streets – others funding it. Disgusting. I can’t wait until Trump starts hitting them hard. They don’t realize he fired the warning shot today… keep it up and lose your funding.

  2. Time for these idiots and the so called comedian Sarah Silverman should be cited by this:

    18 U.S. Code § 2385,

    “Advocating overthrow of government,” prescribes specific penalties for such behavior: “Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

  3. Let them burn their colleges, their cities, and loot and rob their providers. I’ll be here in a rural area, whistlin’ and whittlin’, waiting for the call to take it all back. Can’t help it, I told them not to wake up the real Americans.

  4. The absolutely despicable CBS Radio “News” kept reporting that Milo, who is “an ultra right wing provoker” caused the riot. Not surprisingly, while they were heaping adjectives on Milo, they never used one on the moronic, savage, ultra left wing radical Hillary / Obama thug supporters who burned the school.

  5. What did the aging Queen of Hollywood say? “Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence”?

    Good thing for the candy ass kids that most conservatives have better morals, and impulse control. They’ll live to hopefully wise up when hit with reality, and are able to compare it to their tenured liberal professor’s blathering.

  6. Your common everyday brain dead libtard is bad enough. But if you watch the videos of the recent riots there’s a certain group running in packs wear black pajamas, face masks and combat gloves. Same thing last night. Did anybody watch the blonde girl get sprayed with pepper spray at the end of her interview. She was wearing a Trump hat. These instigators need to be dealt with and if local PD or the school PD is going to do it that somebody else needs to step up. These fools would be easy to set up and have some fun with. And the all look like they weigh about 125 pounds soaking wet. I hope some enterprising young athletic Trump supporters show up wearing the same black pajamas and start beating the shit out of these clowns.

  7. I think these protesters and campus snowflakes are agitating for their own “Kent State”. They want the National Guard called out. After one of their own gets seriously hurt or killed they will have fully realized their hate fantasies about Trump and the people who voted for him.

  8. @Illustrator: I couldn’t agree more. A leftie I know recently greeted me with “When Trump becomes president, this country will immediately become a police state.” I told him I didn’t believe that for a second, but if a police state did materialize, it would be in response to widespread leftist riots.

    That was the end of the conversation.

  9. These are really very organized groups & they seem to have designated Organizers – one being a good friend whos’e a Liberal school Teacher in San Diego. From the begining she’s admitted to me that she worked for Obama.
    I can get nothing else out of her,she won’t even bend while heavily buzzed.
    If we could hack them we’d be way ahead, I just can’t figure how they are Communicating.

  10. “The scene last night in Berkley looked like Kristallnacht.

    Rioters destroyed the campus while the local police and campus security stood back and let it happen.

    Just like the police did in Germany on November 9, 1938.”

    BFH linked to a live stream from the streets of Berkeley last night. I watched for an hour or so and in that span watched foud bank buildings get brutalized. They almost torched Wells Fargo but the flare used to ignite the fire fizzled out.

    I kept wondering where law enforcement was. Police were monitoring the events using small drones, which is pretty cool, but where the hell were they?

  11. I had to laugh out loud at the whole spectacle. Berkeley, home of the Free Speech Movement, couldn’t stand any “free speech” that wasn’t it’s own drivel. One problem tho’ – the thugs and bastards that showed up with masks and covered faces that caused the vast majority of the problems should have been taken out by the cops right off the bat. It doesn’t take a nuclear physicist to determine that these bastard outsiders were there for one reason and one only – to cause mayhem and destruction. George Soros – call your office!

  12. As brutish and stupid as the Brownshirts were in 1930’s, at the very least they were still reasonable enough NOT to call the Jews “Brownshirts” This is a quantum leap beyond Brownshirts

  13. What I say I do not say lightly….but I often wonder if we are approaching a point of no return. The rioting at UC Berkeley, a former employer no less, is disconcerting on many levels. When law enforcement and our institutions fail to defend against those that seek turmoil and destruction of our way of life,….I wonder…I wonder…how long before the left is confronted by an armed, and equally motivated group that takes exception to,what is happening. Anarchy much? Don’t think the Good old USA isn’t capable. We are.

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