Italy Populist Leader: Chemically Castrate Migrant Who Attempted to Rape 62-Year-Old – IOTW Report

Italy Populist Leader: Chemically Castrate Migrant Who Attempted to Rape 62-Year-Old

Breitbart: A migrant from Nigeria has been arrested for the attempted rape of a 62-year-old woman and now faces deportation.

ANSA reports that 25-year-old Jude Eboh carried out the alleged attack at a hotel in Giugliano, in the Campania region of Italy, which is being used to as a makeshift asylum centre. The elderly victim was a member of staff at the centre, and the attack took place in her office after Eboh entered and blocked the door.

According to Naples police, Eboh will now be deported “as soon as the necessary legal procedures have been completed”. He is currently in custody at Poggioreale.

Matteo Salvini, who leads Italy’s populist Northern League, has called for more thorough punishment on his Facebook page:

“He’s been arrested, but that’s not enough. He should be chemically castrated and expelled from Italy,” he wrote.


With illegal immigration to Italy breaking records in 2016 and asylum applications already up by 41 per cent in January 2017, Salvini has called for Italy to follow U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s lead and introduce a temporary moratorium on so-called refugees.   more here

21 Comments on Italy Populist Leader: Chemically Castrate Migrant Who Attempted to Rape 62-Year-Old

  1. Fu&k the expensive chemicals.
    A pair of Klein wire cutters
    can be used over and over and over again.
    He may rape with a cuke but it will send
    a message or like my Dad said make an “EXAMPLE”
    of him…

  2. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ. “Go Roman”

    No, go Sharia–cut off the offending member, after stoning and before tossing the offender off a high building, as he burns on the way down.

  3. Why don’t they put him on trial, send him to prison, then deport him after serving the sentence? Just being deported is a slap on the wrist, an invitation to come back commit crimes with benign consequences.

    Am I missing something here?

  4. Back in the day, Idi Amin Dada would not only cut off the boy stuff of his enemies, but he would also sew the whole shebang in his enemy’s mouth. Do you think that would send a message?

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