Meanwhile in Chicago: Lake Zurich High hazing included forced sex acts – IOTW Report

Meanwhile in Chicago: Lake Zurich High hazing included forced sex acts

ChicagoTribune: Members of the Lake Zurich High School football team routinely used sexual assault and acts of degradation to haze teammates while coaches and administrators ignored the abuse, according to a federal lawsuit filed by two alleged victims.

Antonio Romanucci, a Chicago attorney representing two former members of the 2016 football team, said the hazing goes back at least 20 years and remained hidden because of ” ‘Lord of the Flies’-type tactics” that kept participants and victims quiet.

“They were brutally mocked, teased, humiliated, embarrassed and emotionally harmed, all in the name of team bonding,” Romanucci said at a Wednesday news conference.

The lawsuit adds another act to a drama that has played out since two Lake Zurich football coaches were placed on administrative leave for unstated reasons before a November playoff game.

Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 soon revealed it was looking into “inappropriate activity” that happened in the locker room after a football team dinner in late October. Lake Zurich police and the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office also investigated but declined to bring charges. A probe by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services is ongoing.

Authorities have routinely refused to say what allegedly happened in the locker room, blacking out sections of police files and omitting the details from a report written by the district’s outside law firm. While the lawsuit also redacts some passages describing the alleged acts, it says one boy was hazed in the shower and the other induced to perform an unspecified act on another player.  more here

17 Comments on Meanwhile in Chicago: Lake Zurich High hazing included forced sex acts

  1. This is what happens when bullying is not nipped in the bud at an early age. All coaches involved with the team and offending players should be prosecuted and civil suits brought against them. Then the football program should be shut down for five years.

  2. WTF?! When I played football, the prevailing mentality on the entire team was that if anyone, anyone on the team suggested a perverted assault, HE would be the one who got the ass-kicking.
    The closest to weird was putting Nair in a jockstrap and that was to get some wayward asshole in line.

    IMO, it’s the steroids. Ask Maybeline Jenner, or whatever her name is now.

  3. “I wrestled in High School and then in college I saw no acts of homosexuality.”
    The three wrestling moves I am familiar with: The Half-Nelson, the Full-Nelson, and the Father Nelson.

  4. Blow Jobs And Broomsticks?
    Hazing acts so blatantly flaming, it’s clear that these guys’ only interest in football was oogling the tight end.
    Guaranteed they rename that place Barack Hussein Obama High School any minute now.

  5. A couple of pansy boys upset ’cause they got butt-whacked with a rolled up towel, and had to do the team laundry for the week?
    All they wanted was their participation trophy?

  6. ^Kindly shut up? I highly doubt that that was all that went on. From the sound of things it’s mostly that blowjobs and other sexually abusive things went on. For gods sake.

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