Democrats Accuse Trump Of Anti-Ginsburg Tactics – IOTW Report

Democrats Accuse Trump Of Anti-Ginsburg Tactics

WASHINGTON (World News Bureau) – A growing number of Democrats are accusing the Trump administration of attempting to hasten Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s departure from the Supreme Court.

Their concerns center around recent reports that the administration immediately replaced the carpet in Ginsburg’s chambers with polished marble sealed with WD-40 and….

29 Comments on Democrats Accuse Trump Of Anti-Ginsburg Tactics

  1. They will have to drag her out of the Supreme Court kicking and screaming, or carry her out in a long box. Thankfully, her ego is so big that she didn’t step down during Obumbler’s terms, so that he could appoint a younger, very liberal Justice. I’m sure she assumed that Clinton would get elected and she could retire during her first term. Now, Trump has the possibility of nominating three or four conservative Justices to the Supreme Court. Kind of funny how that worked out for everybody.

  2. Hey I read somewhere some time ago that Ginsberg, speaking to an “emerging nation” somewhere, advised them to avoid copying the United States Constitution. Some Supreme Court Justice, huh?

  3. Hey, where’s the story about Demonrats being upset that someone hastened Justice Scalia’s departure from SCOTUS in anticipation of Hillary becoming POTUS ? If Hillary had won the Demonrats might also be using the same tactics so they could replace Ruthie with someone with a thirty year run ahead of them.

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