Juan McCain: Mexico Paying for Border Wall ‘Not a Viable Option’ – IOTW Report

Juan McCain: Mexico Paying for Border Wall ‘Not a Viable Option’

Breitbart: Friday on CNN’s “At This Hour” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said Mexico paying back the United States for a border wall is “not a viable option.”

Partial transcript as follows:

MCCAIN: If you only build a wall, only a wall, without using technology individuals and drones, observation, et cetera, you’re not going to secure the border.

REPORTER: Obviously he’s talking about having Mexico pay for it. Do you think that’s a viable option?


REPORTER: Why do you say that?

MCCAIN: Because it’s not a viable option.

REPORTER: Taxpayers could be left with the bill.

MCCAIN: Taxpayers are paying a lot of money right now, one of the biggest problems we have is the enforcement of existing law.  MORE

SNIP: Yeah, the existing laws you do everything possible to ignore.  And there he is again on CNN where he’s most comfortable. Arizona should have retired this sack of crap.
But but but, if he lost, a Dem would have won!
If McCain was a Democrat, what would he be doing differently?

29 Comments on Juan McCain: Mexico Paying for Border Wall ‘Not a Viable Option’

  1. He’s probably right but that doesn’t mean you stop demanding Mexico pony up the dough. In any event if they get a wall up that blocks the illegals and the drugs it will be worth it. I will say though that the DEA and the Border Patrol need to start thinking about how the cartels will change the way they’re running drugs into the country and money back.

    I know it sounds bad but it seems that each day I look forward more and more to the good Senator’s Arlington National Cemetery funeral.

  2. He was a V/Nam vet who was in a prison camp. He lost his 5th plane then and became a Navy reverse ace. John Wayne Gacy played a clown for kids in the hospital too.
    Past events do not pardon you from being a jerk now.
    The Vietnamese broke him, he became a songbird, he seems to still be broken.

  3. Compare and contrast what Benedict Arnold did FOR America before betraying it and the amount of damage he did TO America after betraying it to the record of this SCUM. There is no contest, Arnold was both a saint and a piker by comparison.

  4. Darn Trump, Why did he tell the world we would build a wall and that it would not be defended? One would think someone who has been around as long as Donald would know better than to lay all his cards on the table.

  5. McCAIN: ” Taxpayers are paying a lot right now, one of the biggest problems we have is the enforcement of existing law.” Here’s some news for McCain the Lawmaker: The Wall IS EXISTING LAW, going back at least to the Secure Borders Act of 2006. McCain, did you vote for that? did you expect it to be enforced? And, even if you didn’t, it is EXISTING LAW, requiring enforcement whether you like it or not.

  6. McCain isn’t so much a liar as a paid stooge.
    It IS a viable option if Pres. Trump has the will to follow through and run roughshod over worthless obstructions like McCain.
    The money could be retrieved through trade, through confiscation of illegals’ repatriated to Mexico, through reductions in “entitlements” to illegals, through various fees on lawyers and cities protecting illegals, … a hundred different ways … and McCain knows it. As a sitting Senator, he’s a master at extorting money from any given system and knows how to steal better than most.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Jim Bowie stood on the wall of the Alamo and noted the first Mexican to appear.
    Davey Crockett joined him and together they watched them come. Out of the rising sun, their dark shapes began to appear and solidify.
    The first one was joined by two others, then five more, and another dozen appeared.
    Dave Crockett drawled to Jim Bowie: “Who ordered Concrete?”
    The moral of this story, Joe Arpaio will be placed in charge of Chain Gang labor and the Mexicans will indeed will pay for the wall.
    With the sweat of their brows.

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