Obamacare enrollment sluggish in final weeks – IOTW Report

Obamacare enrollment sluggish in final weeks

WaEx: Last-minute Obamacare enrollments dropped significantly this year compared to last year, as the debate over Republican vows to repeal and replace the law heats up.

A total of more than 9.2 million people selected health plans on the federal healthcare.gov website during its fourth annual enrollment season, the administration announced Friday. But just around 400,000 people signed up in the last two weeks, compared to nearly 700,000 signups in the final week of enrollment last year.

Republicans quickly jumped on the announcement to broadcast their dire analysis of the law. Kevin Brady, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee which is working on an Obamacare repeal bill, said the numbers only partially reflect what he sees as the law’s failings.

“The enrollment numbers released today only tell a fraction of Obamacare’s disappointing story — for instance, the fact that these numbers are the result of a law that forces Americans to sign up for insurance they don’t want or need,” Brady said in a statement. “These numbers also don’t show that costs are soaring, access to the care people want is shrinking, choices of insurers are dwindling, and taxes are rising.” MORE

3 Comments on Obamacare enrollment sluggish in final weeks

  1. Maybe. But I think they’re just too busy at the protests and rioting that they don’t have the time to sign up. Doesn’t matter anyway, they’ll sooner than later find their way into an emergency room either way.

  2. So, why does the 1095 form we are all receiving
    it’s not used to file taxes but we have to retain them?
    How much did that cost us to send out the hundreds
    of millions of useless TRASH?

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