Chelsea Clinton Is the Last Thing the Democratic Party Needs – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton Is the Last Thing the Democratic Party Needs

Observer: Since Hillary Clinton’s presidential election loss, rumors have circulated that speculate about what she will do next. In trying to predict Clinton’s future—from running for mayor of New York City to hosting her own TV show—the idea has also been advanced that her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, may enter politics herself. Though being the progeny of the widely-disliked Bill and Hillary should disqualify Chelsea, the Democratic Party’s cultist obsession with her family’s access to a vast network of wealthy donors leaves any congressional race of her choosing open to Chelsea if she wants to run.

This would be a disaster for the Democratic Party.

Instead of moving on—and being better off for it—another Clinton in public office would broaden the party’s disconnect with working and middle class voters. Electing Chelsea to a major role among Democrats would do little to convey a message of change and progression.

24 Comments on Chelsea Clinton Is the Last Thing the Democratic Party Needs

  1. “…her family’s access to a vast network of wealthy donors leaves any congressional race of her choosing open to Chelsea if she wants to run…”

    Bigfoot money or not, if she thinks she’s going to be handed any of the NYC House seats, she’s deluded. She’ll have to get out of the NYC cocoon to find a seat to steal. If it means finding kiddie porn on a Connecticut Congressman’s computer, so be it.

  2. Demonrats are BIG adherents of dynastic regimes.
    The Kims in NoKo, the Castros in Cuba, the Ortegas in Nicaragua, the Clintons in America, the Bushs in America, the Rockefellers, the Carnahans, the Romneys, the Udalls, … blah, blah, blah.

    They cling to dynasties while claiming that breeding has nothing to do with outcomes. So much for merit.

    Personally, I hope they anoint her queen of the all Demonrats – like the queen bee of the hive – do nothing but grow fat from all the ill-gotten honey.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. My never-ending predictions will come true.

    1. Bill Clinton will win the Nobel Peace Prize.

    2. Chelsea will run (and win) political office, and a protest vote, not because of her negative charisma.

  4. Hilary’s daughter. How cute and quaint.

    The bitter Bernie Sanders half of the party and the Angry Black Grrrrlz of BLM aren’t about to jump on the Chelsea Express.

    Ellison has his own Nation of Islam plans for the DNC, and neither Chelsea nor her elderly frail parents have any place in that future.

    Austin Powers: “That train has sailed.”

  5. Rufus T, there’s got to be at least a dozen Alabaster Acela Districts that would love to be represented by Chulsuh in Congress. Especially when mom is crowned Madame Mayor of New York.

  6. Oh, please, let Chelsea Doody run for office and lose, just like her mom. Why these a-holes can’t just spend the millions they’ve already squirreled away? Why do they always think they need more?

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