Wolff: You Run Risk of Becoming a ‘Ridiculous Figure’ in Vilifying Trump – IOTW Report

Wolff: You Run Risk of Becoming a ‘Ridiculous Figure’ in Vilifying Trump

NewsBusters: Don’t hold your breath awaiting Michael Wolff’s next appearance on CNN. Then again, perhaps CNN keeps inviting Wolff because they’ve learned he’s good for ratings. Here’s one viewer who is definitely tuning in next time I know he’ll be on.

Shortly after Donald Trump’s stunning victory in November, Wolff took fellow journalists to task for their collective fake outrage after Trump ditched them to enjoy dinner in New York City with his family, minus the media circus.

Since then, relentlessly negative coverage of Trump has only reinforced a widespread perception that many in media are motivated by the “new grail” of destroying Trump, Wolff suggested on CNN’s Reliable Sources today. And Wolff, who writes columns for Newsweek and The Hollywood Reporter, included unusually blunt criticism of host Brian Stelter —  MORE

5 Comments on Wolff: You Run Risk of Becoming a ‘Ridiculous Figure’ in Vilifying Trump

  1. The problem (as I see it) is that the media is “preaching to the choir”. Their most enthusiastic audience is the people who already think Trump is Satan incarnate, and they’re eating this stuff up. The rest of the country is either incensed by it (Trump supporters, primarily) or upset/amused by it (i.e., the few people in the country who haven’t picked a side yet or don’t really GAS and wish that things would get back to normal). Likewise, Trump is getting his “Amens” from the people who already support him (some to the point that they think he is the risen Christ) and the end result is that a lot of vitriol gets slung about, a lot of time is wasted, and nobody changes their opinion.

    If both sides could just shut up and get back to the task of correcting the problems in American, that would be nice.

    Two chances, right?


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