The Brains of the Opposition – IOTW Report

The Brains of the Opposition

Patriot Retort:

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the brains of the Democrat opposition.

The Pigeon Sisters themselves: Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.

Good grief. If this is the best the Democrats can offer by way of opposition, I call that even more winning!

Between the two of them, they don’t have the intellectual wattage to power an Easy Bake Oven.

The best thing going for us is the fact that the Enslaved Press just can’t stop giving airtime to these two airheads.

In one press conference, the brains of the Democrat Party seemed to be trying to out-stupid each other.

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22 Comments on The Brains of the Opposition

  1. I want both of these women to go to …Mars… and retrieve the flag. I would send Hank Johnson too, but the planet might tip over.

    Oh yeah, Sheila Jackson Lee should go too, and look for a copy of the 400 year old Constitution.

  2. Pelosi and Waters are NOT representative of the majority of women in the United States.
    However, they are representative of the DNC, Planned Parenthood, Code Pink, BLM, CAIR, anarchists, socialists, progressives and all those pariahs in pussy hats.

  3. Between the two of them, they don’t have the intellectual wattage to power an Easy Bake Oven.

    It’s worse than that. Plugging them into an Easy Bake Oven would turn it into a refrigerator. Those two have negative IQs.

  4. The good news is they are the one’s leading the opposition.
    I thought I was going to miss old joe but by golly the MSM just keeps these two right out in front now.
    They will destroy the libtards from within. 🙂

  5. add Sheila Jackson lee and you have the three stoogettes.
    most of us in Houston apologize for her. she’s hard to get rid of as she represents the totally black fifth ward. these people will be voting for her even after they’re dead. I’m sure some of the deceased already do.

  6. Yeah, stupid.
    Between them, they’ve stolen enough to run a small country.
    Lifetime seats, say any-FUCKIN-thing, at all, and can’t embarrass their constituencies.
    Prattle, prate, and destroy the lives of millions.

    Yeah … stupid all right … evil disguised as stupid, is more like it …

    izlamo delenda est …

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