White House Releases List Of Terror Attacks It Considers Underreported By The Media – IOTW Report

White House Releases List Of Terror Attacks It Considers Underreported By The Media


The White House released a list Monday night of the terror attacks it believes were underreported by the media.

CNN’s Jim Acosta said his producer was given the list of the 78 attacks outside of the White House. Though he did not read the list in full on air, Acosta said it included attacks like Paris, Brussels, Nice, Istanbul and San Bernardino.

Dan Merica said a White House official told him that “most of these attacks did not receive adequate attention from Western media sources.”

See the list

20 Comments on White House Releases List Of Terror Attacks It Considers Underreported By The Media

  1. They’re still soft-pedalling it. 30,258 worldwide deadly terrorist attacks on the part of Mindless, Murdering Muzlims since 9/11 should be mentioned as well as the fact that these cave-men have killed twice as many people in one month than were killed in in 350 years of Inquisition, murdered more people everyday than the KKK ever did in the last 70 years and killed more Americans on American soil than the combined militaries of Japan and Nazi Germany in WWII.
    It’s all about the perspective!

  2. Chepy Smith , the fairy, was on FOX tonight defending their coverage of all terror attacks, and calling Trump a liar. Smith really despises Trump. I wonder why?
    Then FOX recounted all the terror attacks they covered. I wonder if that was not Trumps idea. He nailed them again!

  3. The MSM is going to really make Trump look foolish when they show everybody how well they covered all those stories. Hopefully, they’ll spend a week going down the list and showing how deeply they investigated each one. Like when they followed Omar Mateen’s wife around like paparazzi for months after her husband murdered 50 people. Pitbull journalism. Tough. Uncompomising.


  4. They tried to retaliate and put Trump on the defensive because he didn’t tweet in sympathy for the attack in QUEBEC.
    Canada? So they slam Trump if he tweets and slam him for not tweeting. lol

    Keep digging, Media! China’s down there somewhere, you lying douches.

  5. How many ‘journalists’ are sifting through the list right now so they can talk tomorrow about which ones don’t pass muster? Or in other words, how many journalists will be talking about jihadist terror tomorrow instead of something more mundane, like whether the Secretary of Education should be confirmed? Trump is a master of controlling the conversation.

  6. The utterly despicable CBS “News” Radio riffed for 5 minutes about how one of the cities was misspelled in the report. Absolutely nothing about the substance.
    The worst example in my mind is Orlando. Dozens of gays slaughtered for BEING gay and the media reports for 2 or 3 days and then moves on. The same media who went wall-to-wall ape$hit for MONTHS over a friggin’ baker’s polite decline of a gay wedding cake.
    Had the Orlando killer been a Trump supporter, that would have been the story of the century with all the required marches and outrage. The media lost all interest the second it was discovered that the killer was a disgusting, psychotic, islamic savage who’s father was a Hillary worshipper.

  7. Every PALESTINIAN attack is either no reported, under reported, or anti-Israel.

    “Today, freedom missiles we launched against Israel from occupied land, and in return Israel bombed a baby factory, 10 children and 3 pregnant women killed, no militants reported injured.”

  8. You know these msm douches read this site and are spinning in the wind like a fragmented wind sock. They should double up on their meds before they roll into their cushy useless TelePrompTer jobs in the morning so they can report on how wonderful life is through their rose colored virtual reality glasses. They do nothing to edify or uplift their viewers. And they know it and don’t give a shit. As long as their lifestyle is guaranteed to be paid for, you are just the next item to read off of their TelePrompTer.
    Don Henley : Dirty Laundry

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