Obama’s Fan Girl: ‘Can We Say on TV That President Obama Is Jacked?’ – IOTW Report

Obama’s Fan Girl: ‘Can We Say on TV That President Obama Is Jacked?’

Breitbart: During a report on former President Obama’s vacation on Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” anchor Brooke Baldwin asked, “can we say on TV that President Obama is jacked?”

Baldwin said, “I mean, can we say on TV that President Obama is jacked?”

Brianna Keilar laughed, and replied, “Well, you just said it. He seems to have had some time perhaps to spend some time in the gym, which he did make a regular habit of that as president.”  watch

27 Comments on Obama’s Fan Girl: ‘Can We Say on TV That President Obama Is Jacked?’

  1. Yes, he looks like he gets a LOT of exercise.
    For a man who just endured 8 years with the most difficult job on earth, it’s nice to see he spent so much time working on his body and golf game.

  2. Sure. The skinny girly man pretends to be a dude

    1. Verb: Past tense : Origin from ‘hijacked’: as the past-progressive meaning stolen in a violent fashion.
    Commonly refers to robbery, theft, misuse,

  3. Oh my. My age gave me a different meaning to ‘jacked’. Ive only known that term as part of a two word statement. I thought that was where he got those shoulder muscles.

    But I really thought, photo shopped’! Nothing about obama is real!

  4. Aggie,

    In my day it was “Jacked Up” (Screwed Up, Fxcked Up). Not a positive thing. As a matter of fact I don’t ever recall hearing the word in a positive way when referring to someone. If she’s referring to his awesome physic that’s wrong too. More “Band Camp” kids.

  5. @BB and MJA, glad I’m not the only one. English isn’t my first language and I was confused at what they meant by that. I mean, for sure couldn’t be anything bad, because tingling and all, but I was confused. It’s the deplorable in me, I think.

  6. You know, I had never seen dumbells as small as the ones Obama is using in any gym I had ever worked out in, to include the one that was in the day care center that I attended before enrolling in kindergarten

    But then 24 hours after my quintuple bypass surgery, the rehab nurses wanted me to get my circulation going so they handed me a set of dumbells and told me do a set of pec flys.

    And when I carped, “Wont that be a little dangerous seeing as how you just sawed my sternum in half a mere 24 hours ago. And the nurses said, “Dont worry it’s the same weight President Obama uses for dead lifts; there’s no danger”

    And I was like, “You sure about that; cause I was told Obama’s JACKED!”

  7. She thinks Obama is jacked? Poor woman has never known the touch of a real man. I think his legs look like sticks and his arms have less definition than his “wife” Michelle’s. In a photo from his water sports session with Richard Branson, I saw a hint of ‘bat wings’ in his flabby triceps. Being simultaneously skinny and flabby is NOT a good look.

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