Who wears Safe Shorts? – IOTW Report

Who wears Safe Shorts?

They wear Safe Shorts—

Germans Market ‘Safe Shorts’ to Protect from Sex Crimes

Escalating assaults in Merkel’s Europe are bringing back the popularity of the chastity belt.

Because you need protection from the muslims who are there running amok because they need protection from you, or something like that.
Because… I don’t know… shut up, bigot! That’s why!

20 Comments on Who wears Safe Shorts?

  1. In addition to the locking mechanism and alarm, the shorts include a “flexible, soft protector in the crotch” that prevents any further interference.

    Some people call that a wedding ring……

  2. Since the rapist is likely to be armed with a knife at least. I don’t see these shorts protecting anyone. But the fact that things like this have to exist is an absolute disgrace.

  3. from the article –

    “UPDATE: Seinz [the female inventor] has told LifeZette that the development of Safe Shorts was not a direct result of the migrant crisis. “I hereby expressly dissociate myself from … xenophobia. The refugee situation has nothing to do with the development of this product,” Seinz said.”

    sorry, girl, you fooling no one…..your racist, xenophobic, sexist slip is showing……

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