Teacher fired after writing ‘Only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter’ – IOTW Report

Teacher fired after writing ‘Only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter’

EAG: MURFREESBORO, Tenn. – While substitute teacher David Colin was supposed to be watching students in Rutherford County Schools, he was instead posting about his hatred for Donald Trump supporters on Facebook.

“The only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter,” Colin allegedly wrote at 9:29 a.m. Nov. 9.

The post and others were forwarded this week to school officials, who made sure the disturbed teacher won’t be coming back, WZTV reports.

Another post to the sub’s Facebook account from Jan. 16 implied that violence is the only way for leftist radicals to fight against President Trump.

“I spent a lot of time today thinking about the state of this mess. There are huge numbers of people that are upset, mad, angry, (pretty much every negative word), but what I have not seen is a plan. Everyone is looking for leadership to start this off, but there is no one carrying the banner. Without that we will all settle in to becoming angry hateful people and there will be no solutions. So, where do we go from here? Rallies and demonstrations are pretty much futile, since the lunatics just laugh at us knowing we haven’t the guts to stand up and take the actions needed. Writing and complaining falls on deaf ears. Not until the first shot is fired will the recovery begin,” Colin allegedly wrote.

There was also this one, on Tuesday, attached to a Daily Kos article about Betsy DeVos’s confirmation as Education Secretary:

Without federal aid, places like Tennessee will be forced to close most all schools. What will your kids do next year without any school?

It’s unclear who tipped school officials off to Colin’s lunacy.  MORE

36 Comments on Teacher fired after writing ‘Only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter’

  1. Finally the loony left is feeling what conservatives have felt for the last 8 + years. Whenever a conservative said something that the left took offence to, which was whenever a conservative spoke about anything, the left would crucify them to the point of losing their jobs, homes, and families. Well, now it’s the left’s turn. Only it takes them advocating violence in order to lose their jobs.

  2. My daughter suffered through two years of Latin class in a Murfreesboro school having to listen to one of these liberal bastards drone on about the joys of life under Chairman Maobama. I offered to go straighten his attitude out, but she was worried he’d take it out on her some way.

  3. This guy is employed by PESG, a firm that supplies substitute teachers to a bunch of counties. Rutherford country told PSEG that he was not going to be used by them again I couldn’t find anything that says that PESG actually fired him or stated they wouldn’t ever place him again, anywhere. Like a bad penny this sob may just show up again.

  4. The multi-colored hair is just one of the giveaways to who’s a libtard anymore.

    Other flags are:

    1. Bow Ties
    2. Piercings
    3. Two last name’s
    4. Hair where it shouldn’t be
    5. Overwhelming odor of BO, hubris and smugness
    6. Colored contacts
    7. “Coexist” bumper stickers
    8. Prius drivers
    9. Anyone driving with a “Mickey Mouse” window sticker

  5. Under the new Trump DoJ this guy is considered a domestic terrorist. Just give Secy Sessions a couple of weeks to deploy his troops. In the meantime, I and each of you should forward this info to the DoJ with a professional and sincere request to look into this threat. Cite it in addition to other similar threats against Trump/supporters to give it weight.

  6. …I’m serious, guys. Unless we maintain a constant drumbeat against this kind of talk/action, we will not be seen. It takes all of us to MAGA. We cannot have this going on for the duration of Trump’s admin.

  7. The funny thing?

    The dumb shits out themselves, and in public.
    Easy targets broh. EASY PEASY calimansi squeezey
    as my 7 year old says.

    Hopefully they open up a season on them, I’d pay for
    the tax stamp.

  8. Just another liberal coward trying to play tough. This clown would probably crap his pants if he ever fired a gun. If these are the revolutionaries we have to worry about, I think the Trump administration can count on 8 successful years of pulling America out of the quagmire the left put it in.

  9. @Kurt — It would be fine if he was just another coward, but the problem remains that people like this are in our children’s classrooms, driving their school buses, serving their lunches, making their lattes, giving them haircuts, coaching their sports teams, driving their carpools, serving as school nurses, school ‘security’, principals, librarians, even the janitor. It has to be answered by us. We are the front line of defense. This must be taken seriously. I’m calling this guy’s contract employer in the a.m. to see if he’s been well and truly fired and if law enforcement was notified. This really pisses me off that guys like this can say whatever they want and there are no consequences.

  10. …and another thing: Of the two sides to this battle, which side is more likely to start shooting first, the self-controlled conservatives or the lunatic psychos on the left? This guy should be banned from any school and have a restraining order against him. Or we can always just give our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the kids he went psycho on.

  11. “AND conservatives never became violent.”
    – Bad_Brad

    Not true. More like “Don’t start the violence – just finish it.”

    Otherwise your “Fetch them before me” is about playing scrabble with them?

    Bullies only understand the beat down. You know this.

    We can get violent. Your every-day-carry hand gun agrees with me.

    That’s why no one’s ever wanted to fight me twice.

  12. And the fool deludes/flatters himself that without Federal aid ALL schools will close down?

    The mind boggles. Federal funding/meddling with schools did not exist before Jimmy Carter created the DoE.
    How does this ignoramus imagine Murfreesboro built and staffed its schools before 1979?

    Socialist moron.

  13. I’m just not going to roll over on this, friends. Here is a link to the PESG (Professional Education Services Group), the company this freak works for. The Rutherford (TN) county schools admin said he was “fired” from working in their county, but there are a lot more counties this creep might work in through this company. As soon as my phone recharges, they’ll be getting a call from me to ask if PESG has fired him, too, or if he is merely on suspension. I’m going to ask them to update me of any action regarding this fellow, and here’s why, and I quote: “Another post to the sub’s Facebook account from Jan. 16 implied that violence is the only way for leftist radicals to fight against President Trump.

    “I spent a lot of time today thinking about the state of this mess. There are huge numbers of people that are upset, mad, angry, (pretty much every negative word), but what I have not seen is a plan. Everyone is looking for leadership to start this off, but there is no one carrying the banner. Without that we will all settle in to becoming angry hateful people and there will be no solutions. So, where do we go from here? Rallies and demonstrations are pretty much futile, since the lunatics just laugh at us knowing we haven’t the guts to stand up and take the actions needed. Writing and complaining falls on deaf ears. Not until the first shot is fired will the recovery begin.”

    Take particular note of the fact that not only has he given considerable thought to the solution, his only solution is to start firing shots. He sees a despicable vacancy in leadership and I think he supposes he is the answer to that problem, too.

    Here’s the link, guys. Make your calls. Lie if you have to; tell them you have a sister who has a child/ren in one of these states schools which they serve.


  14. The guy was obviously off his meds. Good thing thay caught what he was doing or he might have turned to molestation to fill up his work day. Send him to the NYC school district; they’d love him!

4 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Tennessee Teacher Fired for Facebook Rant: “The Only Good Trump Supporter is a Dead Trump Supporter” - New Right News
  2. Tennessee Teacher Fired for Facebook Rant: “The Only Good Trump Supporter is a Dead Trump Supporter” - Magazineclick
  3. Tennessee Teacher Fired After Posting: “The Only Good Trump Supporter is a Dead Trump Supporter” - Telzilla
  4. Teacher In Tennessee Fired After Posting “The Only Good Trump Supporter Is A Dead Trump Supporter” – MagaFeed

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