No One Knows What Eric Holder Does for California – IOTW Report

No One Knows What Eric Holder Does for California


Former Attorney General Eric Holder was with Democrat lawmakers in California on Tuesday, but no one appears to know exactly what he was doing.

Holder and his firm, Covington & Burling, were hired by the state legislature, over Republican objections, in January, and his visit to Sacramento featured numerous photo-ops — but few details.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Senate leader Kevin de Léon (D-Los Angeles) took a photo with Holder. De Léon said, “We’re here to talk about what are we going to do collectively, the Assembly and the Senate, to do everything within our power, within our own legal means to protect our policies, to protect the values of the people of California. I think it’s pretty simple and straightforward.”

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) was also able to take a photo with Holder. Afterward, Holder said, “I’m here just to assist these gentlemen and the people who they serve with in trying to protect the interests of the people of California.”

Holder was asked to provide specifics regarding how he plans to “assist” California Democrats — at a reported rate of some $25,000 per month — and his answer was, “Well.”

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32 Comments on No One Knows What Eric Holder Does for California

  1. Probably the same thing he did for the Federal Government …..Nothing ! With any luck he’ll provide a sufficient cache of weapons, to those south of the border, to enable their successful revolution and subsequent acquisition by Mexico !

  2. “Former Attorney General Eric Holder was with Democrat lawmakers in California on Tuesday, but no one appears to know exactly what he was doing.”

    Well that makes it unanimous.

  3. He collects a monthly paycheck from them, that’s what he’s doing there. Photo ops are hard work–you think it’s easy to smile on demand? That took years of practice and patience.

  4. Holder’s not doing anything. He was retained by the California democrats as window dressing: “look, Donald Trump won’t be able to push us around.” This is a typical California liberal tactic – paying a lot of money for something that won’t do anything useful except relieve the state of some cash. California democrats have essentially purchased a Bass-O-Matic.

    As usual, California over-estimates the value of its ideals to the rest of the nation. If California’s loony policies and ideas would stay just in California, few people would care. California can feel free to damage it’s own economy in some sort of deranged effort to fix global warming, but it can’t export these policies to other states. Immigration is another story; California prides itself on allowing unfettered immigation, but not all of these immigrants stay in California.

    California has a lot going for it, and it’s actually difficult to politically damage a state with the natural beauty and resources such as California has. But the democrats are trying, and at some point they are likely to succeed.

  5. He is the backdoor into the holdover liberals in the Justice Department – they spy on administration strategy & planning and he feeds them talking points to “leak” to the press

  6. @Wyatt–you know, I do believe that DJT would like his chops and rub his hands together while saying, “Oh boy, oh boy!” if Eric the Fraud went after him–and then he’d unmuzzle Sessions who’d untesticallate Mr. Fast and Furious.

  7. Eric Fast-n-Furious Holder is like a piece of shit that just won’t flush down the terlet.

    I’m sure he’s benefited from the soft bigotry of low expectation affirmative-action his entire life but his two most recent jobs exemplify that he needs to disbarred and jailed.
    1) he was the political appointee at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that lowered mortgage standards and strong-armed banks into shoveling mortgage money at just about anybody who had a hearbeat. This created The New Depression, beginning in Florida August of 2005 and hitting the rest of the nation in 2007. Only now, after 8 long years of Democrat meddling in our financial markets – and thanks to President Trump in the White House – are we beginning to climb out of the hole that the Democrats dug for us.
    2) But Holder wasn’t done destroying America. Then he weaseled himself into being the head of the Justice Dept as Attorney General of The US. He trampled on American citizens’ rights and has blood on his hands. The despicable, felonious crimes he’s committed are too numerous to mention here. But I’ll leave you with this. He is the ONLY Atty General in US History to be found in contempt of Congress.

  8. “A fool and his money are soon parted”, and to be honest, California has more than its fair share of fools. And there will always be plenty of crooks taking advantage of them.

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