U.S. Congressman Introduces Bill to Defund NPR and Corp. for Public Broadcasting – IOTW Report

U.S. Congressman Introduces Bill to Defund NPR and Corp. for Public Broadcasting

Breitbart: Representative Doug Lamborn, R, CO, has introduced a pair of bills to eliminate the federal tax dollars that fund the budgets of National Public Radio (NPR) and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).

Upon the filing of H.R. 726 and H.R. 727, Lamborn said congressional Republicans need to prove they take fiscal responsibility seriously.

“American taxpayers do not want their hard-earned dollars funding superfluous government programs just because that is the way things have always been done,” Lamborn wrote on his congressional webpage.

The Coloradan introduced the bills to “permanently defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and National Public Radio. CPB received $445 million during Fiscal Year 2016, and this money could be put to better use rebuilding our military and enhancing our national security.”

Lamborn insisted that with a $20 trillion national debt, cuts must be made; since these broadcasting services have been able to pick up funding from private sources in the past, cutting the tax dollars flowing into their coffers now is a good start at reducing government spending.  MORE

27 Comments on U.S. Congressman Introduces Bill to Defund NPR and Corp. for Public Broadcasting

  1. At first, I thought it said the good Congressman had introduced a pair of balls to Congress. But these bills are cool, too. Although I think they’ll first need the balls to pass these bills.

  2. I would have said the $445 million would be used instead to help those poor refugees allowed to flood our shores thanks to the idiocy of the 9th. And relocate them all near the Governor’s mansion in Washington State

  3. Defund the Left.
    In every form.

    Wipe that smug complacency off our public airwaves.

    Force them to re-brand themselves.

    They could re-name their TV the “All-British Costume Drama Import ReRuns Channel” and “Background Music For Retired Cat Ladies” radio.

    They get away with the false claim that “only a tiny fraction ” of their funding comes from our tax dollars.

    Cut off their funding and within 2 years they’ll be reduced to 24 hour infomercials for quack diet pills and miracle cleaning products.

  4. To avoid even more crony cash and prizes, the bill also needs to write into law — not merely pretty please the FCC — that all bandwidth currently controlled by these “public” entities be ceded, in perpetuity, to the public — unregulated, unlicensed, public airspace.

  5. Not enough.
    1. Defund.
    2. Privatize.
    3. Collect revenues to pay back investments for equipment owned by the govt.
    4. Auction frequency spectrums to highest bidder.

    In my area, there are so many NPR stations they are walking all over each other. So, it’s not just a matter of having NPR or not having NPR. They could shut down half their stations, and still get 90% coverage.

  6. My best buddy in Talkeetna Alaska get’s nothing but NPR on the radio, and like most Real Alaskans they have no TV. My friend’s always been Conservative yet he & all these other guys up there think they are Democrats.These are real Patriots – Survivalists – Bush Pilots etc, Mens Men you know Conservatives.
    The folks up north will still need to get news, just lose the Politics.

  7. @Professor Hale, good point.
    How many public stations does any one radio market need? Here in DC I haven’t counted but there’s NPR affiliates all over the dial.

    And it’s usually:
    Pompous black city-U professors with preposterously assumed faux-African names bitching about their “bleeding wounds of slavery”;
    Confused “fluids” with impossibly hyphenated names hosting a call-in for the “transgender disabled polyamory community” to “come together” despite “centuries of cisgender ableist oppression “;
    Some female bull dyke Unitarian-Agnostic “minister” dykesplaining our “openness to Sharia truths”;
    Endless fundraisers combining vanity virtue signaling with dire warnings that without your immediate cash infusion of $XXXX.00 by 5:00, all the goodness and kindness and classical music on the entire planet will disappear, poof, never to return.

    Just more proof: if you want way too much of anything, just subsidize it.

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