Trump Signs Executive Orders Designed To ‘Break The Back’ Of The Cartels And Protect Police – IOTW Report

Trump Signs Executive Orders Designed To ‘Break The Back’ Of The Cartels And Protect Police


President Donald Trump said Thursday that the swearing-in of Attorney General Jeff Sessions “marks a new era of justice.” The president then signed three executive orders aimed at reducing crime and protecting law enforcement.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that the nation has a “crime problem” which is not an aberration or a “blip.” “My best judgement is that this is a dangerous permanent trend that puts the health and safety of the American people at risk,” Sessions said. The attorney general said that he will “deploy the talents and abilities of the Department of Justice in the most effective way” to combat this issue.

Economist magazine recently published an analysis that found that the nation’s murder rate is rising at its fastest pace since the early 1970s.

President Trump said, “I‘m signing three executive actions today designed to restore safety in America. These executive actives continue to deliver on my campaign promises.” 

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9 Comments on Trump Signs Executive Orders Designed To ‘Break The Back’ Of The Cartels And Protect Police

  1. 6 months from now, the impact of Trump’s DoJ and FBI will be profound.

    Americans support smashing the cartel gangs. By 1920s Capone style tactics if necessary.

    BLM and other groups advocating violence are criminal gangs to be smashed as well.

    MAGA. With a vengeance.

  2. how come both crime and the punishment both hurt the taxpayer?

    I am all for law enforcement but at some point we have to stop warehousing these perpetual criminals and start eliminating them.

    if we don’t do it for current economic considerations how about we do it for the children.

  3. Stiff and swift justice raining down on the heads of career criminals will have a chilling effect on baby thugs who want to follow in the family business and those who think an intimidating hashtag movement will gain enough PC sympathy to allow them to riot, loot, burn and destroy. Parents are going to have to take responsibility for their heretofore uncontrolled kids responding to flash mobs in malls.

    Help this DoJ understand the extent of the problem by making them aware of violent trends like “the knockout game”, let them know that you know these kinds of violent trends aren’t disconnected, random acts, but a general trend that needs special attention. Just using that trend as an example, but there are others.

  4. Immediately the press pounced to say that crime was down under obama. This is really getting old. Every day and Every damn thing Trump or his admin does is pounced on by the media. They are EVIL and must be demolished.

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