It’s Always 4 O’Clock Somewhere – IOTW Report

It’s Always 4 O’Clock Somewhere

How many songs do you suppose have been written in the last 100 years?
Must not have been too many because for some reason, my local radio station seems to play the same songs at the same time every day of the week.

Here’s what comes on around 4pm, every. f*cking. day.

I never hated the Steve Miller Band before…

The thing is, it doesn’t really matter which station I listen to, because each station has their own “4 pm song”.

45 Comments on It’s Always 4 O’Clock Somewhere

  1. I lost count of how many times I was sent to the company training center in Cleveland, during the winter. A foot of snow on the ground. Snowing so hard I could barely see past the front of the hood during the morning and evening drive to and from class. During the morning drive in and the evening drive back to the hotel they played Some Beach. afaik, they may have played each hour during the day. Why make the weather seem worse?

    Same with movies. A lot of great movies have been make yet it seems every six weeks they cycle through the same half dozen movies. How many times do they think people want to watch Jason Bourne?

  2. I’ve given up on all of the English language music stations here in Sarasota, and I got sick of talk radio many years ago. So now I listen to Radio Rumba, Ciento Seis PUNTA Cinco, La Costanera. Modern Latino rock but with much better rythm.

    But they still have time of day play lists, alas. It is enlightening, also, to hear that half the ads are for Latino motor vehicle crash lawyers.

  3. DreamWeaver by Gary Wright-hate that song! I didn’t like it when I was younger and I still don’t. It’s not on at 4pm but always around 6:30 on days I have to go to a condo board meeting.

    I think FM radio is only good as a reference for songs that you forgot you liked-to then go to Pandora or Spotify to set a radio station based on that rediscovered song.

  4. I have found over the years that nothing is usually better than something. I’ll drive 200 miles and not have anything on. But then there are times I want something on, but it doesn’t always stay on. Quiet is pretty tough to beat sometimes.

  5. As kids, we had only AM. You remember. We always tuned in at a particular time because we knew that’s when they would play our favorite song.

    Today, here at our place, we have sorry Sirius XM. They have a dozen genres and a dozen channels for each one. Except classical. There’s an opera station and ONE “classical music” channel that is supposed to be all things to all classical music lovers, covering early music to today.

    What a disappointment.

    I might go back to AM.

    As Charlie Walksonwater said in effect, thank goodness for alternatives.

  6. Exactly! The final straw for me was when I changed the radio station that was playing “the same old worn out song” over to the other favorite rock station and they were playing the same exact song, almost in the same exact spot of the song. I loaded up a yyuuuggee usb drive and plugged it into the car, currently in the “F”s, about song # 1200, and none of them have repeated so far after about 2 months.

  7. Internet radio. Thousands of channels from all over the planet. Perfect sound as long as you have an internet signal.

    Lots of free online websites available, or you can buy a dedicated stand-alone programmable box ‘radio’ that remembers your favorites for well under $50.

  8. Radio was totally void of good in the bucolic area and time I came from. Can you say Porter Wagoner?
    I used the list of influences Zappa listed on the inner jacket of “freak out” as my guide and expanded from there. The family use to go to the “big city” once or twice a year, I spent all my accrued $ at the big record shops and would go home with an arm full of albums. There is so much fantastic music out there that never got played, even when there was such a thing as disc jockies.

  9. I have a question.
    I want to collect a bunch of digital music to play while driving. My latest car has USB and audio jacks.
    I can buy a large thumb drive, or use my daughers old Ipod. Which is the better solution? If you have an opinion please give an explaination. Where is the best place to go to download music?

  10. If radio is your reference, then Ramblin’ Man is the only song the Allman Brothers ever recorded. The playlists are so constricted, it’s maddening. Once in a great while you’ll run into a renegade DJ who plays great stuff and never seems to repeat a song for weeks. Of course, you’ll need to stay up past 10pm to hear him since he wouldn’t last a week with a drive time slot.

  11. That’s why I have an XM satellite radio, I can listen to all kinds of music and switch back and forth especially when a stinker song is on. Did I mention I hate Pat Boone’s music, or White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane and especially Ode To Billie Joe, Harper Valley PTA, anything by Bobby Goldsborough, Willie And The Hand Jive, Mac Arthur Park, In The Year 2525, Afternoon Delight, One Tin Soldier etc. and the worst of all Imagine by John Lennon, I hate that song with a passion. Or even better at times I just leave it off and have peace and quiet as I don’t need my whole life to be choreographed by music and I never listen to regular FM radio anymore. But the worst is probably elevator music (Musac) played softly in the background at stores annoys which annoys the hell out of me especially if it’s something truly annoying that gets stuck in my head. I agree with Illustrator that Dream Weaver sucks.

  12. Up here in the northeast we have WHJY, the Foreigner channel. But that’s okay since they’re the “classic rock” station. Then we have WBRU, the Chilli Peppers channel, which is weird since they are allegedly the “cutting edge of rock” channel.

    Anthony Kiedith ith thuch a gweat thinger. One uv tha gweateth thingers ov all thime!

  13. Lazlo puts a LOT of miles on the Lazlomobile
    Ditched radio as I kept having to make an emergency station change for songs like those mentioned by Geoff before ear worm threshold is reached.
    Got the XM and am happy now.
    Willies Road house, Jeff and Larry’s Comedy channel (there is a comedian on there who announced he does not tell jokes that you can’t tell in Church; and he’s really good), the 80’s channel and the various news channels.
    Its not Dream Weaver that bugs me, its the damn Eagles with ‘Take it to the limit’
    There is no reason on God’s green earth to use the words: Whee-hee in any song that does not prominently feature the banjo.

  14. Between Spotify, talk radio and free audiophile from the library, I’m good. All the so called “Classic Rock” stations seem to share the same playlist. Added bonus I never have to hear Freebird again.

  15. I love Willie’s Roadhouse for the most part. I grew up listening to country and western music because my Dad listened to it and I swore that I would never like it except for Johnny Cash. But the older I become I’m finding I like it more especially anyone who can play Bob Wills occasionally or Ernest Tubb, Hank Williams Senior, Hank Snow, Merle Haggard etc., Kris Kristofferson singing Why Me Lord (great song) and I can never get enough of Crazy by Patsy Cline or I Fall To Pieces. And the Grand Ol Opry is on Friday and Saturday nights but the best is Ranger Doug’s (Of Riders in The Sky fame)Classic Cowboy Corral which I listen to every Sunday morning at 6 AM on XM 59. Great music and lo

  16. What is this “radio” you speak of?
    Here in the wilds of the Ozarks there is no reception, to speak of.
    Cell phone only works if we drive to the mailbox (1 mile away, top of the hill).
    And BIL’s GPS didn’t work, here, either.

    Doesn’t appear that I’m missing much.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. My computer is sticking on me, I listen to Ranger Doug’s classic cowboy corral every Sunday morning at 6 AM on XM 59. Where else will you hear Eddie Arnold sing Cattle Call, (I listened to this when I was a small kid because it was one of my Grandfather’s favorite songs) or Tex Ritter, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry or great cowboy yodeling like Patsy Montana, Elton Britt etc. and lots of other great cowboy music.

  18. I used to work for a company that allowed us to listen to music while working. We listened to a light rock/pop radio station (not my choice, but the group decided). They played “The Morning After” from The Poseidon Adventure TWICE a day, every day. I never liked the song. After one month of that, I HATED it.

    I called the station and asked them if I could request a song. She said, “Of course!”. Then I said, “Please stop playing “The Morning After” more than once a day!” She stammered a bit and then said that people request it be played. They never stopped playing it twice a day. Sigh.

  19. Many songs from my childhood I associate with a particular time and place. No multiple markers. And now that I think about it, many of those associations are from shopping trips with mom after school…around 4:00. Weird.

  20. I like to stream from while at my computer. Lots of new and different stuff in a bunch of different genres, and listener supported so they don’t have commercials.
    I used to work at a place where they insisted on playing a radio station that managed to squeeze in all the top 40 about ten times a day each. When Mirah Carey came on, I always went to the bathroom because it was the only place you couldn’t hear her screeching. Worse than that was a station that played the top 40 from 40 years ago – repeatedly. It drove me nuts! To this day I can’t stand to listen to “How much is that doggie in the window”.

  21. Most commercial stations play 300 to 500 +/- songs that’s it. Pretty
    bad if you ask me. Your best bet is to load your phone with your
    If your sitting in front of your computer try Radio Garden. It’s a
    website that shows a map of the world and stations that are streaming.
    You can get a random station or you can pick on. I’m listening to a
    station from Japan as I type.

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