Europe Accelerates Move To Begin Elimination Of Paper Money – IOTW Report

Europe Accelerates Move To Begin Elimination Of Paper Money


In the shadow of Donald Trump’s spree of controversial actions, the European commission has quietly launched the next offensive in the war on cash. These unelected bureaucrats have boldly asserted their intention to crack down on paper transactions across the E.U. and solidify a trend that has been gaining momentum for years.

The financial uncertainty amplified by Brexit has incentivized governments throughout Europe to seize further control over their banking systems. France and Spain have already criminalized cash transactions above a certain limit, but now the commission has unilaterally established new regulations that will affect the entire union. The fear of physical money flowing out of the trade bloc has manifested a draconian response from the State.

The European Action Plan doesn’t mention a specific dollar amount for restrictions, but as expected, their reasoning for the move is to thwart money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Border checks between countries have already been bolstered to help implement these new standards on hard assets. Although these end goals are plausible, there are other clear motivations for governments to target paper money that aren’t as noble.  MORE

17 Comments on Europe Accelerates Move To Begin Elimination Of Paper Money

  1. This is a really dangerous trend. When there is no more paper money this gives the bank via the IRS complete control of your monetary life. We can already see now how this is going to work. You need a good credit score to buy a car, a house, even to get a job now. How much worse will it be when you have no recourse?
    It also puts our economy even more under the control of the global economy. Why should my bank account be subject to the ups and downs of some socialist shit hole on the other side of the planet? It also has the effect of making your money essentially the banks money. If cash is illegal, then you’re never allowed to remove your money from the bank, you’ll only be allowed to transfer it from bank to bank. Which, let’s be honest. Will all be one bank.
    Your money your home your ability to provide for your family all controlled by centralized bank. No fucking thank you. Resist this at all costs.

  2. Pink swastika sees the problem with this. Any given transaction would be subject to scrutiny and authorization by our superiors.


    We are free-born Americans, not human cattle.

  3. If you don’t already have a stash of gold and silver, and I mean actual pieces of metal, then it is time to start accumulating one.

    Krugerrands and junk silver, my friends. Krugerrands and junk silver. And do NOT keep them in a bank safe deposit box.

  4. Zerohedge also has a story where Marine le Pen says she will ditch the euro for a new franc. I hope the EU dies, and this csahless crap dies with it. Not likely, though, as Soros is a big proponent of cashless economies. Yes, I know, it’s crazy: The criminal currency manipulator now hates cash. Time to check your wallet.

  5. The best thing that could happen to Europe is that Brussels gets nuked while the EU parliament is in full session and the faceless, unelected grey bureaucrats are all at their desks chipping away at whatever freedom Europeans have left.

  6. This will end up killing the Euro by creating a perverse incentive for each member country to mint their own currency. Once that happens businesses in those countries would likely prefer the local currency to the Euro.
    with the Euro gone keeping the EU together will become a lot harder.

  7. You cannot buy a shipment of illegal drugs or guns, or a politician with a check or a credit card; these transactions usually require suitcases full of cash, or some other untraceable means. All electronic transactions are traceable, even bitcoin.

  8. This will be the mechanism of total control over people in the End Times. A cashless society is how Satan will rule. The Mark of the Beast to conduct any business transactions. Take The Mark and you are damned eternally.

  9. The modern way to buy a politician is to make a substantial donation to their named foundation after they have orchestrated some bullshit government contract to their business venture.

  10. No paper money means that at the flick of a switch or at the order of some bureaucrat, you can be instantly penniless and helpless. It comes down to this. There are a lot of marxist pigs in this world who desperately need to die. They will not stop this insanity until they’ve ruined the lives of virtually everyone.

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