Dem Rep: We Haven’t Had a President, Including Obama, ‘Who Really Cared About’ Chicago – IOTW Report

Dem Rep: We Haven’t Had a President, Including Obama, ‘Who Really Cared About’ Chicago

Breitbart: During Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Chicago in the Crosshairs” town hall, Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL), who defeated President Obama in a primary race for Rush’s seat in the House, stated, “we have not yet at this moment, including the eight years of Obama, had someone in the White House who really cared about this city and about these problems here in the city of Chicago.”

Rush said, “I don’t know what Trump means when he’s saying, bring in the feds. First of all, my challenge to Trump is, Trump, bring your rump into the city of Chicago. Go to these communities, and hear what these people who are on the front lines day by day, hear what they have to say about their community and their aspirations for their community. I think that we need to take a moment to look beyond the violence, and see what is occurring beyond the violence.”  more

SNIP: We know why Obama  treated Chicago the way he did, but what is Chicago’s excuse for treating Trump the way it does?

19 Comments on Dem Rep: We Haven’t Had a President, Including Obama, ‘Who Really Cared About’ Chicago

  1. Are you saying the problem is beyond the control of local and state agencies? That you need the feds to clean up your self inflicted mess? I would like to see Illinois try a bit harder, before we burden the rest of the country with your problems.

  2. Black communities are not going to change until the Black people address their own cultural issues. Thug life, hip hop gangster emulation. When your highest goal in life is to be a pimp with big gold teeth, that is detrimental to any chance of a normal standard of living. Criminals are glorified and black kids who excel in school are called “not black.”
    When black people choose to be successful, they are. Just like any other race of people. The inner cities will not change until the people who live there choose to change.

  3. What a mouth on that guy. Bobby, you know you get free airline tickets back home every weekend right? Well, how about you fly home each weekend, strap on an auxiliary policeman’s uniform and get your rump on the street and try to clean up the problem you Democrats have created over the decades you’ve run the joint. Hell, Trump ought to declare Chicago a Martial Law Zone and send in the Federalized National Guard to clean out the trouble spots, send in additional federal DA’s and Judges and root out civic corruption and jail in some federal supermax the city officials caught and convicted. Post the city for a couple of years before handing it back to the state to administer. Gee Bobby, would that work for you or are you just looking for money again?

  4. Bobby, this is very simple. There’s never been a President that cares about Chicago because Chicago has never elected a Mayor that cared about Chicago. Here’s a hint, mob $$$$$$.

  5. Hey Shitcago–you got what you voted for, therefore you got what you deserved. If you take your collective heads out of your asses, you might see that you asked to live on a plantation, and you got what massa Rambo thinks you’re worth.

  6. Trump visted Chiraq. During the Primaries.

    His supporters were mauled by the same guys that voted for Bobby Rush and every democrap political thief that’s ever ran and won office in that hellhole.

    Eventually trump will probably fix that dump too. Pretty sure it’s way on the back burner though.

    Enjoy ‘Tiny Dancer’ emmanuel filling every Police department position with every ethnic person he can find willing to accept a job. ‘Whitey’ need not apply.

    I bet that’s gonna work out just fine…

  7. It isn’t a presidents job to care about a city. That would be the city leaders and the state respectively. They have plenty of resources to bring to bear.

    Washington doesn’t solve problems, it creates them. Well, at least up til now.

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