OUT Magazine’s Chadwick Moore Comes Out as Conservative, Cites Backlash from Left Following MILO Profile – IOTW Report

OUT Magazine’s Chadwick Moore Comes Out as Conservative, Cites Backlash from Left Following MILO Profile

“It can seem like liberals are actually against free speech if it fails to conform with the way they think. And I don’t want to be a part of that club anymore.”

Breitbart:  Chadwick Moore, a contributor for the LGBT magazine OUT, has come out as a conservative in an article for The New York Post, citing his gradual move to the right after left-wing friends rejected him for his neutral profile on Breitbart Senior Editor MILO.

In his article “I’m a gay New Yorker – and I’m coming out as a conservative,” Moore details how after he published the profile on MILO, fellow liberals and even his best friend started to ignore and cut ties with him.

“After the story posted online in the early hours of October 21, I woke up to more than 100 Twitter notifications on my iPhone,” wrote Moore. “Trolls were calling me a Nazi, death threats rolled in and a joke photo that I posed for in a burka served as ‘proof’ that I am an Islamophobe. I’m not.”

“Personal friends of mine — men in their 60s who had been my longtime mentors — were coming at me. They wrote on Facebook that the story was ‘irresponsible’ and ‘dangerous.’ A dozen or so people unfriended me,” he continued. “All I had done was write a balanced story on an outspoken Trump supporter for a liberal, gay magazine, and now I was being attacked. I felt alienated and frightened.”  MORE

7 Comments on OUT Magazine’s Chadwick Moore Comes Out as Conservative, Cites Backlash from Left Following MILO Profile

  1. In todays culture its “in” to be a queer. Now this guy’s a brave queer. No, you just came to your senses about the lefts insanity, now work on your sexual proclivities and you just might reach someplace close to what is normal.

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