Trump Justice Department Signals An End To Transgender Locker Room Lunacy In Public Schools – IOTW Report

Trump Justice Department Signals An End To Transgender Locker Room Lunacy In Public Schools


A motion filed in federal court by the Justice Department on Friday suggests that newly-minted Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reassessing a vague Obama administration order allowing transgender students in America’s public schools to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice.

The Justice Department’s new motion in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals seeks permission to delay a hearing on a previous motion — filed last year — which had asked the court to ease a preliminary injunction by federal district judge Reed O’Connor striking down Obama administration guidance about bathroom and shower use in taxpayer-funded schools.



7 Comments on Trump Justice Department Signals An End To Transgender Locker Room Lunacy In Public Schools

  1. Easy solution: Take out all bathrooms in schools and put in porta-potties outside. Close all locker rooms and showers — make the kids shower at home. Reduce the number of janitors needed to clean. That way everyone, including teachers and administrators, can enjoy the benefits of equality.

  2. The whole Transgender thing was all about distraction.
    The Homosexual population is maybe 1.5%.
    The Tranny population is a tiny slice of that!
    Yet if you listen to the “news” watch shows, you’d think yer neighbor is a Homo and half the neighborhood is Transgender!
    Just one more thing to make America weaker any way possible!
    A Hoodwinking on a national level…big time! Otherwise known as propaganda!
    Fuck Target! With a stock drop of 25% that CEO is a major Asshole!
    Not buying anything from that red whorehouse until it’s time to get on the business end of their going outta business sale!
    Yes, it does feel really great to have sane people in charge again!!

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