High school graduation rates skyrocketing under New York’s new ‘Fail-Pass’ program – IOTW Report

High school graduation rates skyrocketing under New York’s new ‘Fail-Pass’ program

AmericanThinker: Public education works!  The public school system is filled with an entire bureaucracy of caring teachers and educators, a slumbering anti-meritocracy dedicated to bringing a top level education to students everywhere, especially in the inner cities, as it has done for countless generations.  Nowhere is that more apparent than in New York State, where students until recently had to pass five Regents exams to graduate.  But by graduating students who failed several of the Regents exams, educators found that they were able to significantly boost graduation rates.  What an innovation!

The New York State Education Department said on Friday that the high school graduation rate hit a new high of 79.4 percent in 2016, an increase of 1.3 points from 2015 and more than 12 points from a decade ago.

Bravo to all the educators in New York!

Among other changes, the Board of Regents, the body that governs the state’s education system, made it possible for students with disabilities to graduate by passing two Regents exams, rather than five…

I’m a white man who feels disabled by the Obama presidency…do you think they would graduate me if I passed only two Regents exams?

Additionally, the Regents allowed more students to appeal to their districts to graduate despite falling slightly short on one or two Regents exams.

They didn’t fail their exams; they fell slightly short!  That’s completely different!  Maybe they need a new grade for that.  They can call it D minus minus minus!  MORE

15 Comments on High school graduation rates skyrocketing under New York’s new ‘Fail-Pass’ program

  1. This is just one more item on a very long list of times when left-collectivists have, when they don’t like their approaches “outcome”, set up new criteria so that their results, although the same failures as before, become recognized as successes.

  2. Education is a basic human right, so is graduation by that logic, as well as landing a job you went to school for. All basic human rights. 79.4% graduation rate is stripping basic human rights from 20.6% of their students. It’s a humanitarian disaster and this is supposed to be a new high? 100% need to graduate if we care about humans, and especially women who get shafted with only 78% pay after graduation, now we’re suppose to pay them less because they weren’t allowed a basic human right? What’s wrong with these people?

  3. Public education – perhaps the biggest factory system we have, but with no quality control. Get the kids in, get them through, get them out. Dedicated teachers soon became jaded by senior teachers who have become part of the system. Administrators only care about numbers – how many kids started, how many finished. A high school student who drops out is a black mark for an administrator; a high school student who graduates but can’t read is fine.

    The public education system won’t change – it’s too imbedded – but parents who want their children to succeed can still take advantage of the education by taking an active part in their kid’s schooling. The opportunity is there, but don’t expect the public school bureaurocracy to help, and in fact they may get in the way. Once you send your kid to school, educating them becomes harder – not easier -but it can be done.

  4. I hope these “educators” don’t think the business doesn’t notice these things. NYS high school graduates are likely to be asked for actual mark transcripts of both their final year subjects as well as the marks rec’d on these exams especially if a High School Diploma is actually needed to perform the job. They aren’t doing these kids any favors, just the teachers.

  5. Way to raise the graduation rate. WOOT WOOT. They got nothing on California, though. California lowered the crime rate by simply reclassifying certain felonies to misdemeanors with the so-called “Safe Neighborhood and Schools Act” (Proposition 47)that moronic voters passed as a ballot initiative.

  6. Why not just give em all a HS Diploma at birth (or upon registration if an illegal)?
    Then they’d have a 100% graduation rate!
    Total success! For the system and the students!

    No more worries. No more of all that dumb grading stuff. Less work (if that’s possible) for teachers. Less stress for “parents.” No more “educational inequality.” No white – uhh – whatever.

    Simple solutions for simple problems. You’re welcome.

    izlamo delenda est …

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