AWD: Just a friendly reminder. AWD has said for years the Republicans will NEVER repeal Obamacare. And he stands by his words to this day. As sure as Michael Moore will be a big bufforilla all day, ObamaCare will never be repealed by the Republicans.

Sure, we have a regular guy with determination to do what’s right for America in the White House. As he’s finding out, EVERYONE except those who voted for him are out to destroy him. This includes the Democrats that run the Republican Party.

As we have discussed in detail, the Republican Party is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street and the Chamber of Commerce. Those two entities care not one little bit about the plight of the American taxpayer. Hence, neither does your lifelong Congressman and Senator who begs for your vote at election time but does nothing to help you once he/she returns to Washington. Congress is under the employ of globalist bankers. Nothing more, nothing less.

Wall Street has long sought to transfer healthcare costs from employers to taxpayers. More money for corporations and banks that way. As for the middle-class taxpayer who now pays quadruple what he did before ObamaCare for his own health insurance and now must pay to subsidize illegal aliens and uninsurable? Well, screw him! He should have gone to Harvard!

Yes, you’ll hear pretend-conservatives fortune telling that a bill to repeal ObmaaCare will be on Trump’s desk on….on….on….well, the 12th! Yes, the 12th of Never! They’ll get all lathered up on the floor (while tv cameras are running) talking about the negative affects ObamaCare has had on their constituents back in Hog Butt, Kansas. Before they go out with Nancy and Charles to Mortons.  MORE


  1. AWD’s right, and it will be a shame that when ObamaCare crashes and burns (and it’s in a flat inverted spin right now) it will be on DJT’s watch. He needs to figure out how to game the rep congressvermin into acting. That’ll be the work of a crafty genius if he can pull it off.

  2. Republican professional politicians may be less odious than the donkeys, but they’re still professional politicians who produce nothing but more government. Repealing ZeroCare makes sense, because it was premised on unkeepable promises, but by getting suckered into “Repeal and Replace”, the Stupid Party is now on the hook to replace it with something that delivers the promised unicorns and free ice cream, and to own its failure when it doesn’t. Sad, sad.

  3. RINO Lyin’ Ryan and Mealy mouth McConnell are the titular head of the snake. They control the Congressional and Senatorial Campaign purse strings, what laws and amendments are heard on the floor, as well as prestigious Committee assignments.
    Pure Blackmail to keep the weak Representatives and Senators on their progressive Big Government band wagon.

    Chesty Puller is the highest decorated Marine in history, one of his quotes seems most appropriate for President Trump;
    “They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!”

    When the Marines were cut off behind enemy lines and the Army had written the 1st Marine Division off as being lost because they were surrounded by 22 enemy divisions. The Marines made it out inflicting the highest casualty ratio on an enemy in history and destroying 7 entire enemy divisions in the process. An enemy division is 16500+ men while a Marine division is 12500 men.

    Trump is a fighter, he is in a target rich environment, no matter what direction he shoots he’ll hit an enemy of common sense, the Constitution and Nation.
    Ryan and McCONnel and their bought and paid for RINO lackeys be damned.

  4. The jury is out on this one. President Trump has a mandate to give repeal the old college try. On the other hand, it is now an entitlement that has to be dealt with somehow. I think he’s going to be more sympathetic for those who are unfairly paying the bill.

  5. Gus, you’re probably right. The Republicans have never wanted to give up socialized medicine because of the power and money it brings in. But they also don’t want to listen to the next four or eight years of “You want people to die!” Hence…Replace. Not sure how Trump would bear up under that lie, either.

  6. “Never allow a revenue stream to go untapped.”

    (RINO motto (once Roberts declared it a “tax” it was OK))

    and: “Fuck the Peasants.”

    (actually, I made both of those up, but they are apropos of RINO thought)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Perhaps Trumps upcoming rally in FL isn’t just to reach out to reassure his base, maybe it is also to remind the DC cabal and elected elites that the people still expect and WANT what he promised them. That we haven’t gone to sleep out here after the Inauguration.

  8. The spewing of all this negative BULLSHIT only puts us right where they want us to be. This last election was a movement and there ain’t no turning back. It won’t happen tomorrow but it’s started and nothing the Uniparty can do will stop it.

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