Reuters: Vice Admiral Harward Trump Pick for National Security Adviser – IOTW Report

Reuters: Vice Admiral Harward Trump Pick for National Security Adviser

(Reuters) The Trump administration has offered the job of White House national security adviser, vacated by former U.S. intelligence official Michael Flynn, to Vice Admiral Robert Harward, said two U.S. officials familiar with the matter on Wednesday.

It was not immediately clear if Harward, a former deputy commander of U.S. Central Command who has Navy SEAL combat experience, had accepted the offer, according to sources.

A White House spokesperson had no immediate comment.

Flynn resigned on Monday after revelations that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before President Donald Trump took office. ย – Breitbart

6 Comments on Reuters: Vice Admiral Harward Trump Pick for National Security Adviser

  1. There is not evidence at this time that General Flynn “discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador.” Yet that’s the story being put out by the media. Fake news. Repeat it often enough and it becomes fact.

  2. He declined. He’s been killing and burning
    things for over 40 years. I don’t blame him
    on the consumption of his personal time the
    job would take.

    God bless to the man, let him rest. Thank you
    for your service Sir!

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