Democrats Announce HUGE Show Of No-Confidence In Crucial Senate Race – IOTW Report

Democrats Announce HUGE Show Of No-Confidence In Crucial Senate Race


Florida Democrats announced they are gathering candidates to fight Sen. Bill Nelson in a party primary, according to a Wednesday report from Politico.

Party leadership approached three high-profile Democrats about opposing the 74-year-old senator; law professor Tim Canova, State Sen. Randolph Bracey, and former senate candidate Pam Keith.

“I’m not sure how strong Nelson will be in the general election this time around, and a number of folks trying to convince me to run think Rick Scott will have his way with Bill Nelson,” Canova told Politico.

Not all Democrats support the move. Fundraiser Ben Pollara called the decision “insane.”

11 Comments on Democrats Announce HUGE Show Of No-Confidence In Crucial Senate Race

  1. We need term limits. How many terms has McCain served, SIX?!? Good grief. It never was designed to work this way and these lifers are a big part of the problem, on both sides of the aisle. We should be rid of the McConnells, Ryans, Pelosis, Feinsteins, and all the rest. They get too much time to burrow into the system and cause mischief, not unlike a badger or groundhog.

  2. Maybe he’s not left enough and the Dems are about to start a purity purge. Good luck to them. I’m waiting for the Committee of Public Safety to come for Pelosi while she’s eating cake.

  3. I loathe and despise this Democrat POS for personal reasons. I used to live in Florida and did a lot of offshore fishing whilst living there. The Fedl Gummint’s Natl Marine Fisheries disService was – and still is – shoving more and more unscientific, unneeded regulations at us recreational fishermen. Nelson is on the Commerce committee that oversees NMFS. You’d think he’d help us out, right?

    Oh HELLS No! He’ll suck the dick of any COMMERCIAL fisherman but won’t lift a finger for us recreationals. I heard later one of the reasons why is because his family owns a marina in the Port Canaveral area and they have a shit-ton of commercial fishing boats docked there. So he’s not just an asshole…SEN BILL NELSON OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY IS A CORRUPT ASSHOLE.

  4. Nelson has that creepy shiny gay weirdness

    the political class enjoys a tax free income with LOTS of bennies
    time to end all the perks and make them pay into “the system” just like the rest of the citizenry

  5. Term limits, as a condition of service for everyone in the legislature, will be impossible to achieve.

    If you want term limits in Congress, you need candidates who promise to limit their own tenure. Once making a promise to serve only 8 years in the House becomes a sure-fire way to win an election, we’ll be much better as a free nation.

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