Teacher accuses students of harassment for saying ‘God bless you’ after sneeze – IOTW Report

Teacher accuses students of harassment for saying ‘God bless you’ after sneeze

EAG: PANAMA CITY, Fla. – An atheist middle school teacher’s online rant about her students recently sparked both a district investigation and angry complaints from parents.

Merritt Brown Middle School teacher Susan Creamer took to the Atheists of Bay County Facebook page to solicit advice about how to deal with the religious “cretins” in her class, putting her job in Bay District Schools on the line, the Daily News reports.

“There is a bevy of boys in one of my classes (middle school) who are taking turns either inviting me to their church or leaving (anonymously) flyers inviting me to church events. Today, I found one on the A/V cart I use for a podium,” Creamer wrote.

“Every time any child sneezes, they loudly say ‘God bless you!’ and look in my direction. I have complained twice to my principal – one last month and once today,” she continued. “She has spoken privately to one or two of the little cretins, but it seems to do NO GOOD.

“I am feeling bullied and harassed. It has become intolerable,” Creamer wrote. “I don’t feel like talking with the parents will stop the inappropriate behaviors because, for all I know, the parents are encouraging them. Any suggestions?”

Parent Crystal Mosely pointed out several serious issues Creamer’s comments raise for parents in a letter to school superintendent Bill Husfelt.

“First and foremost she should not be discussing her religious preferences (or lack thereof) with any of these students,” Mosley wrote. “Had she not been proudly boasting of her atheism these children would not know of her personal beliefs and I would not be addressing this situation.

“Secondly, as an adult in a professional occupation her choice of words to describe her students is completely unprofessional and completely out of line,” she continued. “Third, for her to see out suggestions from a group on social media of how to handle her students (my children) has me outraged?”  MORE

23 Comments on Teacher accuses students of harassment for saying ‘God bless you’ after sneeze

  1. “Ahchoo!…”

    “God bless you.”

    “I don’t appreciate you shoving your religion on me!!!…”

    “Well, fuck you then bitch. Die of pneumonia for all I care, you nasty fucking asshole.”

  2. The alluding of any religious comments or paraphernalia from students should roll off the back of a proud atheist teacher like water on a duck.
    Apparently she’s not fit for the job but wtf, we all know she’s a member in ‘good standing’ with the union.

  3. I read somewhere, some time ago, that the valedictorian at a High School graduation was cautioned by the powers that be not to mention God in his speech, as to do so would violate Federal Law.
    The student obliged. Gave his speech and then sneezed. The entire graduating said: GOD BLESS YOU. What a great story.

  4. Methinks this teacher was a little too proud and boisterous in her divulging of her personal information to these students–“cretins,” as she calls them. Their response to her tells me she insulted and silenced them and they are using the only “power” they have to get the message to her that they won’t abide by her tyrannical, ranting clampdown on their free speech–some of which I suspect wouldn’t have even occurred had she kept her mouth shut in the first place.

  5. Attention ho. She advertised her atheism to MIDDLE SCHOOL aged kids, then squeals like a stuck pig, “bullied”, “harassed” and “intolerable”, OH MY!! Middle school kids are pretty cool, they know about fairness and rights, and they know when someone is just begging to be put in their place, and I expect some of them may be concerned for her soul. Also, she must be an import, this is the deep South, for cryin’ out loud, not Portland, Or., no offense to Conservative citizens of Portland! We have our own brand of coocoos here, too.

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