What the Religion of Peace has been up to lately… – IOTW Report

What the Religion of Peace has been up to lately…

From Kafir Crusaders:

[UK] Another spineless attack by ‘religion of peace’ members against somebody who has no chance of putting up a fight back. The victim a 67 year old pensioner came to the aid of a female train guard being abused by a gang of thugs was attacked and left unconscious.


Over at Creeping Sharia:

Delaware, USA: Muslim Uber driver burglarized homes when customers were away.

State police said Awadallah worked as an Uber driver for customers in Bethany Beach and Fenwick Island. While patrons were away at businesses and restaurants in Ocean City and Dewey Beach, state police say Awadallah would burglarize their homes for credit cards, computers, watches, cellphones, tablets, sunglasses and other items of value.


Via The Geller Report:

Germany […] The Muslim had allegedly made threats to cut the throats of staff at a sports betting shop in Hamburg.

When police officers arrested the Somalian Muslim, chaos broke out when they were surrounded and threatened by a crowd of 80 to 100 African men.


From Jihad Watch:

Pakistani army supporting anti-India jihadist groups.

“These outfits operate madrassas and charity fronts with no hindrance from Pakistani law enforcement authorities.”

Yet Pakistan is considered to be an ally of the United States. There needs to be, as I have said for years, a complete reconfiguration of our international alliances based on the jihad threat.


The Muslim Issue:

US Security Contractor Warns: Muslims Will Kill Americans & Are Very Good Manipulators.

Retired Marine Steve Gern now working as a private security contractor talks about the video he made where he warns the US about the reaction local Iraqis had after President Trump signed his executive order banning travel from countries like Iraq.

The Marine is describing ordinary Muslims with no declared terror ties wanting to kill Americans.


“I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible…impossible…for any human being to read the biography of Mohammed and believe in it, and then emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person.”

Syrian Psychiatrist Dr. Wafa Sultan

11 Comments on What the Religion of Peace has been up to lately…

  1. Females here in the U.S should all cary Tazers , and be able to use them on attackers without Legal strains. Muslims have our legal system wired, and we need to assure there would be zero Legal B.S used against the Victims here.

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