Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Warns Against Turning Away from Globalization – IOTW Report

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Warns Against Turning Away from Globalization

BT: (Reuters) — Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg laid out a vision on Thursday of his company serving as a bulwark against rising isolationism, writing in a letter to users that the company’s platform could be the “social infrastructure” for the globe.

In a 5,700-word manifesto, Zuckerberg, founder of the world’s largest social network, quoted Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. president during the country’s 19th century Civil War known for his eloquence, and offered a philosophical sweep that was unusual for a business magnate.

Zuckerberg’s comments come at a time when many people and nations around the world are taking an increasingly inward view. U.S. President Donald Trump pledged to put “America first” in his inaugural address in January. That followed Britain’s decision last June to exit the European Union.  MORE

SNIP:  Speaking of globalism,  I’ve got a multi-lingual  message for Zuckerberg. 

30 Comments on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Warns Against Turning Away from Globalization

  1. “Manifesto” kinda sums him up. Can’t help but think of DeCaprio shouting “I’m the king of the world!” I wonder what other great ideas he’d come up with if he were penniless tomorrow.

  2. The young folk say FB is passe (they didn’t use that word since they don’t know what it means). They are into SnapChat and InstaGram. There is hope yet FB goes by the way of MySpace.

  3. He looks like a pencil necked geek. And never will I ever go back to fakebook ever again after I after I quit it nearly 2 years ago! Is there a conservative or common sense alternative to fakebook? Or is such a website even possible given the ugly state of political correctness and opposition to any worldview that doesn’t fit into their narrative?

  4. Zuckerberg presents the false alternative, globalism vs. isolationalism. (This framework is also used to justify military interventions.) NATIONALISM does not mean isolationalism. It means we have borders, language, and culture and as a national group have a right to independently have a currency and to trade with other nations as we see fit.

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