Lawsuit Could Answer Lingering Questions About The Trump Dossier – IOTW Report

Lawsuit Could Answer Lingering Questions About The Trump Dossier


A lawsuit filed against BuzzFeed earlier this month could shed light on some details about the “how, why and when” an unsubstantiated 35-page dossier published by the website last month came into being.

The Daily Caller spoke to Brady Cobb, a lawyer for Aleksej Gubarev, the CEO of web hosting company XBT Holdings. Gubarev was named in the dossier as a Russian government agent who coordinated hacks of Democrats during the presidential campaign.

Gubarev strongly denies the charge and is suing BuzzFeed, its editor Ben Smith, and Christopher Steele, the ex-British spy who compiled the dossier, for defamation for including his name in the document.

In a phone interview Cobb said that “a pretty wide net” will be cast in the discovery phase of the suit. That could lead to the revelation of a few key questions about the anti-Donald Trump dossier, including the identities of the donors behind the document, the sources of the information contained in it, and the extent of BuzzFeed’s investigation into the dossier’s claims.

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3 Comments on Lawsuit Could Answer Lingering Questions About The Trump Dossier

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    Best served COLD.

    More Popcorn.

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