WikiLeaks Exposed April Ryan as More Than ‘Just a Reporter’ – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks Exposed April Ryan as More Than ‘Just a Reporter’


Correspondent acts confused by Trump meeting quip, offered to set up similar engagements for Clinton.

April Ryan, White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, protested that she’s an old-fashioned reporter Thursday after President Donald Trump suggested that she could set up a meeting between himself and the Congressional Black Caucus.

“No, no, no,” she said during the president’s news conference. “I’m just a reporter.”

“I’m from the old school where we just report. I’m not supposed to be the news.”

Interviewed later by CNN’s Brooke Baldwin, Ryan doubled down on the narrative.

“I’m from the old school where we just report,” she said. “I’m not supposed to be the news.”

And she tweeted: “I am a journalist not a convener! But thank you for answering my questions.”

The veteran Washington journalist, however, appeared to a bit more than a chronicler of current events during last year’s presidential campaign. Emails pilfered from Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta’s email account and published in the fall by WikiLeaks suggest a rather chummy relationship between Ryan and the Clinton camp.

At one point, she even suggested a meeting with members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

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22 Comments on WikiLeaks Exposed April Ryan as More Than ‘Just a Reporter’

  1. “But if everybody’s watching, y’know, all of the back room
    discussions and the deals, y’know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.”–HRC

  2. Trump was playing with her
    He knew that bitch was thick as thieves with the Racist Black Caucus, and had proposed meetings with them before.
    His sarcasm was so deep no one saw it until the next day.

  3. Best part is that Trump will point out the elephant in the room. The press pool doesn’t know how to deal with a brutally honest President that is willing to look them in the eye and call BS.

  4. You can bet Jack Horner, got sat in a corner, reading Podesta’s pie.
    Take it to the bank, a lot of plums have been pulled out of that crumbling pie.
    They keep trying to corner President Trump, he’s like an octopus, escape artist squeezing through the tiniest cracks nobody else sees.
    That 100,000 guardsmen, a canard, designed to draw out the traitors.
    Like I keep saying, he’s beating Mr.Spock at 3D chess while the MSM is losing at checkers with third graders.
    The press is unable to digest the fact that President Trump is big league while they are still playing sandlot.
    MSM hubris is a terrible thing to waste.

  5. In the Modern American Communist Cabal®, they are ALL the same: willing, compliant apparatchiks, all precisely aligned and focused on the destruction of American exceptionalism and culture. If this means reporters do a little political freelance work, or that politicians do a little reporter work, so be it. Serving the collective and its nefarious aims are the only actions that matter.

  6. @huron @Lazlo

    Spot on.

    This is where the next level of Fun starts. At the next Press event President Trump holds, no matter what question she asks, he can spin it around to her duplicity, deceit and hypocrisy. A HippoCrispy.

    Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations

    The HippoCrispy mentioned above will be on msNBC joyless reid starting right now at 10AM EST. Let us see what these two HippoCrisps ®™ graze upon.

    Also joining the Hippos…
    Malcolm Nance. Record and dox everything this traitor does and says on msNBC. More soon.

  7. Pretty soon the press corpse will begin sounding like a group therapy session as each member’s skeletons are laid bare to the public. hahaahahahaaaa! I wonder how many will drop out of the program and continue ‘using’?

  8. @Alf Al Falfa:

    LOVE the ‘seemingly Arabic’ moniker…AND the ‘HippoCrisps’ trademark.

    I never knew President Trump ‘played the violin’ so well. He is surely amazingly cunning at making Ms. Ryan feel so welcome (she almost blushed!), while outing her so deftly.

    Much more wizardry to come from the president…that’s a guarantee!

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