Top 10 Holdover Obama Bureaucrats President Trump Can Fire or Remove Today – IOTW Report

Top 10 Holdover Obama Bureaucrats President Trump Can Fire or Remove Today

Breitbart: The federal bureaucracy is comprised of about 2.6 million permanent employees protected by Civil Service and about 4,000 political appointees. Many of these bureaucrats are actively engaged in sabotaging President Trump’s agenda.

Political appointees can be fired by the president at will. Permanent Civil Services employees are more difficult to fire.

“Today, the Pendleton Act shields from dismissal, even on legitimate grounds, more than 90 percent of civil servants,” the Federalist reports. But even if they can’t be fired from Civil Service, they can be removed from their current positions.

Here is a list of the top ten holdover Obama loyalist bureaucrats President Trump can either fire immediately or remove from their current positions (civil service).  read the list

19 Comments on Top 10 Holdover Obama Bureaucrats President Trump Can Fire or Remove Today

  1. Hypothetically, couldn’t many of the problematic civil service employees, and members of the judiciary, be delt with under the counter-terrorism provisions of NDAA 2012?

    Subsection D – Counterterrorism
    “(2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged
    in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.

    Say by enabling terrorists to enter the country by subverting Presidential power to restrict immigration?

    Frankly, this could be easily applied to Obama, and his entire administration, too.

    Indefinite detention without trial. You can’t say they haven’t earned it.

  2. Move those who can’t be terminated, and tie their wages with the formulaic compensation that makes their wage scale competitive with the local depressed areas they will occupy. I suggest some nice abandoned coal mining villages in the Appalachia Mountains. Now, watch them quit.

  3. Picture a half a million square foot
    warehouse in northern Montana with endless rows of desks. Now picture
    it filled with unfirable BO ratniks
    assigned to individually count paper clips and sheets of toilet paper.
    That’s a happy picture.

  4. I’m a little disheartened these scum are still seated, whats the holdup? As for civil service employees, just hand them a toilet brush and introduce them to their new responsibilities.

  5. Didn’t I read several accounts where obastard converted a lot of his appointees to civil service positions as he was leaving office?

    Jobs created and be shut down.

  6. Scale the Federal government back to bare basics before we financially collapse. We cannot afford all this bureaucracy and sure as hell don’t need it. America will start to recover when all of a sudden 200,000 homes go on the market in DC.

  7. I worked in a place where they couldn’t just terminate about 200 of us because of contracts. What they were going to do instead was relocate our jobs to out-of-the-way places clear across the country, the job was only good for one year, and we had to pay all moving expenses.

    So President Trump authorizes the rental of as many large warehouses in the middle of nowhere as needed. They must be at least 25 miles from the nearest small town, farther for places with any entertainment. Give them minimal accomodations – old, surplused office furniture, one _monitored_ phone per 50 people (for safety rules), no computers, no personal electronics allowed (security dontcha know), and nothing at all to do. ID badges required and maximum security with lots of locked security doors to go through. No cafeterias, just “roach coaches”, make it as primitive as possible.

    Send the enemy CS employees there (and they ARE enemies). The delicate flowers can learn how flyover country works in contrast to their pampered lives in la la land, they can’t do any more damage, and the boredom, both in the job and in their private lives, will convince many to leave.

    When the public finds out all these people are being paid to do nothing (and they WILL find out), the administration says, “Yes, these are all unnecessary people and they’re costing billions of dollars, but the rules say we can’t fire them. What do you want us to do?” I think there’d be such a ground swell of revulsion against the civil service rules that they’d be quickly changed.

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