California Goes One Step Beyond ObamaCare, Proposes Single-Payer Healthcare System to Include Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

California Goes One Step Beyond ObamaCare, Proposes Single-Payer Healthcare System to Include Illegal Aliens

Breitbart CA: California Democrats made a surprise move late Friday to foil President Trump’s promise to repeal ObamaCare—by introducing a stand-alone, single-payer healthcare system in California.

The Mercury News reported that two California lawmakers Friday introduced legislation to replace private insurance with a government-run health care system covering all 38 million Californians—including its undocumented residents.

“We’ve reached this pivotal moment,” Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), told the Mercury News in an interview Friday, “and I thought to myself: `Look, now more than ever is the time to talk about universal health care.’”

The article went on to report that the proposal dubbed the ‘Healthy California Act’, introduced by Lara and former Assembly Speaker, now State Senator Toni Atkins, (D-San Diego) — was submitted just before the deadline for new legislation—and for such a sweeping proposal, it remarkably short on specifics.  MORE

13 Comments on California Goes One Step Beyond ObamaCare, Proposes Single-Payer Healthcare System to Include Illegal Aliens

  1. I don’t like the idea of California seceding. I don’t much like the politics of California at all. Liberalism will ruin everyplace it gains a foothold. It would be interesting to see a county by county vote, we could keep those that want to stay and let the rest go.

  2. Joe, I don’t love the idea either, but I’m fed up to death with the endless, childish ranting, violence, threats, aggression and division that is destroying this country. I really don’t have ANY confidence that these abject MORONS screaming for us to babysit and support any parasite who sticks his hand out, whether American or thieving illegal, that they will EVER understand the really simple arithmetic behind our refusal to partake in that–until they realize the only thing in their national bank is lint, like the insides of empty pockets.

    Until they have NO links to our federal government and lack the cushion of sticking their hands out for federal subsidies, I really don’t think they will understand what it means to be in the red and that machinery, people, contracts, etc. don’t operate on f***ing fairy dust.

    I think it will take that for them to realize their own idiocy, that and the exodus of people to the north or other states (and no liberals moving elsewhere and infecting the remaining states), and then they can f*** off and drink their own tears.

  3. So, they don’t have enough to pay for basic dam maintenance but they are going to go single payer healthcare. That makes sense in a libtard kind of way.

    How many doctors will keep the weather and forgo the free market compensation? I’m thinking the answer will be “not enough”.

  4. California has become a state run by hispanic activists and sympathizers. Dry up federal dollars and watch how quick the state comes to its senses. The left has had free reign there for far too long. Its one of our states, not a province of Mexico. Screw them.

  5. I think CA is more in a Germany situation, going down the tubes but more and more people are starting to wake up to the reality that it’s unsustainable (and Californians loooove that word!) I sure hope they get a clue soon though, I really don’t want to leave.

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