What Trump has done his first 30 days vs. what Hillary probably would have done – IOTW Report

What Trump has done his first 30 days vs. what Hillary probably would have done

AmericanThinker: We know what Trump has done in his first month.  We can only guess what Hillary would have done.  Here is a short list:

Trump has:

Started enforcing immigration laws that Congress passed, including building the wall.  Started telling the sanctuary cities to abide by the laws of the land.

Tried to seriously vet refugees from seven countries that the Obama administration said were the biggest sources of terrorists.

Began reversing some of Obama’s executive orders.

Frozen federal employees’ salaries.

Moved to roll back regulations on the private sector.

Issued an order to end the fine for people who cannot buy expensive health care insurance policies dictated by Obamacare.  Began work to restore freedom of choice on health care.

Put sanctions on Iran after they clearly violated a U.N. resolution.

Began work on lowering taxes for corporations and individuals.

Nominated people for Cabinet position who have a history of achievement in business and the private sector.

Met with diverse corporate leaders, union officials, black community leaders, and others.  It appears he will meet with all who are willing to come.  He obviously doesn’t care if they ever supported him for president.

Nominated a judge for the Supreme Court who looks as though he will abide by the Constitution to enforce laws, not make laws.

Negotiated with Boeing and Lockheed to lower costs on large contracts.

Brought coal company workers to the White House to announce he would save thousands of their jobs.

Scrapped the massively complicated Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

Approved the building of two environmentally cleared energy pipelines.

Had a freewheeling news conference.

(The media, of course, say the Trump administration is chaotic.  Can anyone imagine how productive Trump would be if Democrats, the media, and judges weren’t so obstructive?)

By contrast, Hillary most likely would have:

10 Comments on What Trump has done his first 30 days vs. what Hillary probably would have done

  1. Political Grading System…
    President Trump A++
    Congress full of swamp creatures, delayers, procrastinators, ne’er do wells,
    D- – –
    They are doing business ‘at a very slow rate’,
    They cannot comprehend “Trump Time”, which is 16 to 18 hours a day.

  2. @Bad_Brad

    Perfect Timing. Just watched it.
    The question starts at 7m10s and the “We’re lucky…” money quote is at 9m40s
    For more than a few years I gave McCain a reluctant pass. No longer.

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