Pope Francis: ‘Muslim terrorism does not exist’ – IOTW Report

Pope Francis: ‘Muslim terrorism does not exist’

American Thinker: Pope Francis is one of those do-gooders who bends over backwards and twists the facts to claim that Muslims are no more likely to commit acts of terrorism than Christians or Jews.

This sort of shoot-from-the-hip equivalency is what we’ve come to expect from religious types all over Europe (with a few notable exceptions).  In their desperation to bury the threat of Islamic extremism, Pope Francis, the archbishop of Canterbury, and other European religious leaders refuse to acknowledge the political nature of Islamic terrorism and the fact that there are massively more Islamic terrorists and terrorist sympathizers than terrorists from any other religion.


37 Comments on Pope Francis: ‘Muslim terrorism does not exist’

  1. Ann Barnhardt was right about this man from the beginning.

    He has not thought it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, thus God has given him over to his depraved mind.

    Romans 1: 28-32

  2. Then invite refugees to stay at the Vatican for their safety. If someone kills you, no worries, it takes about 3 days for the Catholic Church to find someone else to be God’s special messenger on earth.

    Hopefully he won’t be Pope Muslim Minion the second.

  3. Ya know, Papa Frank, I had been toying with the idea of converting to Catholicism. I’ll just remain a heathen apostate for now.

    Your political positions are worse than having nothing to offer. You’re one dangerous mutha fucking socialist appeasement monkey.

    I’ll pass.

  4. As a Catholic, I’ve tuned out of virtually anything Francis has to say anymore. Even when he takes an occasional shot at the Left (which isn’t often) and speaks on matter of faith, I simply let it slide on by.

  5. @WestvsEast

    In a battle of eastern savages vs the civilized western world, one being a satanic death cult that kills for their god and one that is about kindness, forgiveness and redemption, if your papa cannot distinguish between the two….you are following a false prophet which will lead to your doom. Pope HopeNChange is also a leftist Marxist enemy agent aligned with the mullahs.

  6. Hmmm, less than a year after muslim terrorists cut the throat of a priest in his own church in France while forcing parishioners to video it and screaming Allah Snackbar, the idiot Pope claims that Muslim terrorism does not exist. I think that Catholics worldwide need to get together to tell this moron of a spiritual leader that he’s full of shit and needs to wake the hell up.

  7. Crusader, the Orthodox Bishop of Rome excommunicated the Orthodox Church in about 1054, the Orthodox Church excommunicated the Bishop of Rome the same time. Long story short, the Bishop of Rome, a heretic, declared himself above all of the Orthodox Bishops, abandoned Orthodoxy and started his own version of Christianity.

  8. Dementia is a devastating, it even hits the catholic church.

    Jeremiah 14:14
    And the Lord said to me, “The prophets prophesy lies in My name. I have not sent them, commanded them, nor spoken to them; they prophesy to you a false vision, divination, a worthless thing, and the deceit of their heart.

  9. I think he’s very enamored of being a celebrity, and when he comes out with a moronic pronouncement such as this one, it’s rooted in a desire to be popular.

  10. I must go to confession: I find myself reading the comments BEFORE the meat and potatoes article. It’s just that the folks around here are so knowledgeable. Agreed that Ann Barnhardt called it.

  11. Never liked this guy from the start. Others more qualified. He is a political hack bought and paid for! I can see his prog leanings come into our church and school! Disgusting.

  12. I think it’s whatever the Jesuits teach. They seem to be an entity unto themselves within the Catholic Church. Take ex CIA chief John Brennan. In his speech on National Security at NYU he bragged about getting a Jesuit education at Fordham University in The Bronx, NY.
    Then he went on to tell us about the wonderfulness of Islam, the religion of pieces, and what Islam has contributed to the civilized world. On and on like a schizophrenic, and then tells us he’s a Catholic. How the hell he became head of the CIA boggles the mind. It will probably be revealed in the future, too late for many of us. He was so proud that the muslims “accepted him” in the 70s, with his “long hair and earrings.” I’m sure the muslims benefited from the reign of Obama and chief spy, John Brennan.
    And oh, he took his oath of office, not by swearing on the Bible, but on a white slab. They say he swore on the Constitution. Whothefuckknows anymore?

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