‘Blind Sheikh,’ Convicted In 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, Has Died – IOTW Report

‘Blind Sheikh,’ Convicted In 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, Has Died

DC: Omar Abdel-Rahman, the radical imam convicted of conspiracy in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, has died in federal prison in North Carolina.

The 78-year-old Abdel-Rahman, who was known as “The Blind Sheikh,” died of natural causes at a prison hospital in Butner, N.C.

He was convicted in 1995 of conspiracy to commit terrorism for the Feb. 26, 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, which killed six people and injured more than 1,000.

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SNIP: He died of ‘Natural Causes’. Wow.  If only the people he murdered had such an opportunity.

24 Comments on ‘Blind Sheikh,’ Convicted In 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, Has Died

  1. Ive looked all over the house and in the shed but I cant find a shit to give about this guy.
    Maybe I should look in the dumpster.

    Hey FRD.
    Make sure he gets the Grand Tour when he shows up.

  2. I had some fireworks left over from my President Trump inauguration party.
    Set off a coupla strings of black cats, in honour of him losing his eyesight and fingers by his own bomba. Then a sky flare to introduce him to hell.

  3. This is an example of why all the open border advocates and everyone fighting Trump’s order are full of it when they say immigrants don’t commit terrorism. He got a green card under H.W. Then he committed terrorism on American soil. I hope they don’t publicize where they bury this a-hole so he doesn’t become more of a martyr.

  4. Did you know that after the World Trade Center was attacked by this savage muslim animal neither President Bill Clinton nor First lady Hillary Clinton deemed it important enough to visit the site of the terrorism? That’s right. This is how much Hillary cared about New Yorkers before they were of any political use to her.

  5. Speaking of Islamic terrorist burials, the older Boston bomber is buried somewhere near me here in Virginia. They never said where. Somewhere near Kings Dominion. Super secret and guarded. I’ll bet muzzie community knows where it is. They probably visit it all the time. Pure speculation I’ll admit.

    Virginia gets all the trash from the northeast. Reparations for slavery I guess.

  6. If he had died of natural causes in his native shithole, how many less years would he have lived?
    And would he have enjoyed 3 squares/day conforming to his cult’s requirements, free pornography, fresh korans, and tax-payer paid attorneys?****

    ***watch Midnight Express

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