Police say newly freed gang member killed California officer – IOTW Report

Police say newly freed gang member killed California officer

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A gang member who was recently freed from jail killed his cousin and stole his car Monday then shot and killed a California police officer and wounded his partner before being wounded himself, authorities said.

Whittier Officer Keith Lane Boyer died and Officer Patrick Hazel was wounded when they answered a report of a traffic accident in the eastern Los Angeles County suburb.

A motorist pointed out the location of the car that had rear-ended his vehicle, and the officers approached the driver.

“When they get him out of the car, they go to pat him down for weapons, they can see he’s got tattoos all over his face and all over his neck,” county sheriff’s Lt. John Corina said.  MORE

15 Comments on Police say newly freed gang member killed California officer

  1. I read and reread the link. What became of the unnamed perp? Dead? Arrested? Still at large?
    Hopefully dead. American citizen or alien? If later, legal or illegal?

    Terribly written with lots of unanswered questions.

    RIP Officer Boyer. That is all I know for sure. Yet another officer slain.

  2. I should like to see a law that works like this: If a paroled villain AFTER his release rapes, murders or steals the same will be carried out to the bureaucrat who released the criminal. Call it the “instant Karma Law”

    A bureaucrat lets criminal X out on parole and criminal X murders then the bureaucrat has a family member executed. That way the only criminal’s that get released are the ones were there is a very high degree of confidence that they will not repeat offend.

    Bureaucrats and politicians are too insulated from their decisions. They need to live the policies they enact.

  3. Early release? this guy should have been locked up forever just because he is a gang member. I stay away from Whittier-Pico and Los Angeles–heck even Pomona is a bad area where the LA county fair is.

  4. Thank you for your and your family’s sacrifice, Officer Boyer. May they, your coworkers and friends be comforted. May Officer Hazel recover in full.

    As Bad_Brad said, they will attempt to make the firearm the culprit, not the worthless p.o.s. parolee that in addition to having killed Officer Boyer and wounding Officer Hazel, killed his cousin and stole his car. THE p.o.s. liberal/dems who created early release (after the voters passed the three strikes law in 1994) and AB 109 are to blame.

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