Report: New immigration ban applies to same 7 countries – IOTW Report

Report: New immigration ban applies to same 7 countries

Washington Examiner: President Trump is expected to unveil a new immigration executive order — and it will target the same Muslim-majority countries as the first.

According to Fox News, the new order will apply to travelers from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan and Libya.

But this time, travelers who have a visa to travel the United States, as well as green-card holders and dual citizens will be exempted.

The order is expected to be unveiled sometime this week, a senior White House official said.  more

8 Comments on Report: New immigration ban applies to same 7 countries

  1. Pres. Trump would do well to issue his EO and have some sympathetic shyster file the objection – with the intention of losing so that the EO passes muster.
    Yeah, it sounds like subterfuge, but it really isn’t – just SOP for DC.

    Or, just ban ALL immigration until such time as the courts pretend to be reasonable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Or, just ban ALL immigration until such time as the courts pretend to be reasonable”

    close but how about,

    we ban all immigration, visa’s and green cards for a period of 20 years to give those that are here legally time to assimilate and those who are here illegally time to be caught and deported.

  3. The Muzzies had 14 centuries to prove that they can be trusted. They can’t; not even the so-called moderate Muzzies.
    This immigration ban’s time frame is way too brief…. let’s wait another 14 centuries and see if they change their spots.

  4. @bill February 21, 2017 at 9:28 am

    Why are those who are here legally — you know, according black satin circus clowns… for this performance — going to “assimilate”? (For those of you who like little words — “assimilate” is a big word for “change who you are,” like deciding to go queer, ot straight, you know… because.)

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