​​Jerusalem to expand – IOTW Report

​​Jerusalem to expand

ArutzSheva: For the first time since the Six-Day War, 250 new acres were recently attached to the territory of the city of Jerusalem completing a multi-year process enabling the municipality to build a new residential neighborhood in Jerusalem with 2,000 housing units.

In 2009 the Interior Ministry’s Border Committee held its first meeting to discuss the possibility of transferring a 250 acre area adjacent to the Arnona neighborhood from the Yehuda Regional Council and Kibbutz Ramat Rachel’s jurisdiction to that of the Jerusalem municipality.

The area was once an agricultural area of ​​Kibbutz Ramat Rachel. The municipality recently received an official letter from the Interior Minister announcing transfer of the demarcated area.  more here

7 Comments on ​​Jerusalem to expand

  1. can I apply to the City of Jerusalem for the position of Director of Urban Renewal? Job #1 – bulldoze the Dome Of The Rock, the Filthy Mohammedan Savage Mosque that is squatting atop the Wailing Wall.

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