CIA Analyst Who Quit Over Trump Is A Hillary Donor – IOTW Report

CIA Analyst Who Quit Over Trump Is A Hillary Donor

DC: A former CIA official who resigned as National Security Council spokesman earlier this month pointed the finger at President Trump in an op-ed published in The Washington Post on Monday.

Edward Price claimed his resignation had “nothing to do with politics,” and blamed Trump’s “disturbing actions” instead.

Price’s column — entitled “I didn’t think I’d ever leave the CIA. But because of Trump, I quit” — did not mention that he gave thousands of dollars to Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful presidential campaign against Trump last fall.

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12 Comments on CIA Analyst Who Quit Over Trump Is A Hillary Donor

  1. Typical left behaviour, running out before having to fight for your ideas. If he wasn’t a liberal and really thought Trumps direction was “troubling” then he should have stayed and argued against them. This is not to be confused and staying to sabotage the President like there are some doing today. If you stand up for your principles and lose then you buckle down and do your best to carry out your orders. If that is impossible then resign but don’t run like a coward right to the NYT who’ll give damn near anyone opinion space as long as it slanders Trump or the conservatives.

  2. He most likely has communist/socialist/democrat associates still working there. Every single one of them should be investigated. While they’re at it, now would be a good time to cut the commies loose at State as well. State Department has 5 floors too many.

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